End of Arc 1 Q&A - School Snow White

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Guys. Guys guess what.

It's the end of our first ever arc. And I'm glad enough of you have stuck with this story to see it end!

A round of applause for our wonderful readers! 🙌🙌🙌 (I'm pretty sure this emoji isn't used for clapping but whatever-)

Today I will be posting our special end of arc Q&A which has also turned into comments I found funny or interesting and just questions about the wonderful world of Systems that I've built! First and foremost-

Q&A ❤

From dawt9126 - Will the female lead and male lead still be dating? Will she fall in love with him? Thx for the update
Without spoiling the rest of the plot, yes and no. For both questions. Because being as vague as possible is fun. 😘

From RoseShot - 1. How old are you? 2. Would the mc ever have any love feelings for any of the male leads 3. Do you plan on doing a schedule for upcoming updates
1. ) Not comfortable sharing that information but highschool age.
2. ) Refer to my in-depth answer for dawt9126's question.
3. ) I plan on trying to! But due to school never wanting to comply with my schedule and sometimes not having inspiration, making promises is something I will not do.

From AnnaRoronoa - 😭😭😭why did she die but thanks for the update
I may have already answered this question in the comments, but it's mainly because drama. All the drama. Barrel of drama.

That's probably not all the questions you guys have, so I'll make questions up myself and put them here. If they seem relevant.

Questions from the Authoress

How do the Systems work?
Well, before I talk about how Systems work we must talk about what a System (at least in the world I've created) is.
A System, to put it in the simplest way possible, are the manifestations of strong emotions or ambitions. When a new System is created or 'awakened', the power it releases can destroy an entire world. Which is why there are two different types of Systems. Wild Systems, which are created in a world and destroy said world. They aren't supervised or managed by the Mother System and can travel worlds freely without having their Hosts complete tasks. Then there are Managed Systems, who were created by the Mother System and given a rank which can be upgraded along with a System Store. The few things Wild and Managed Systems share are a human or humanoid form, no specified gender, the ability to select a Host, and a purpose. There are all sorts of purposes a System can have from being a relationship System to creating successful businesses in various worlds. No two Systems are the same, though they can be similar.
There's also the question of who is the Mother System. I'm not gonna tell you. 😘

Will Arcs have any specific order of genre?
Nope. You guys are gonna be surprised each time! On that note, if any of you guys are particularly inspired by an arc or world, you're welcome to write a story around it as long as you give me a tiny bit of credit! It can just be a mention in the description for all I care. And also share it with me because I love reading stuff-
By the way, I do have a basic outline for what kind of arcs I wanted just not how they'll play out.

That's all I could think of, but there will be more Q&As in the future! Before I get to comments I found funny or interesting or enjoyable, I'd like to address something.

I've noticed that in the Prologue, people are kind of arguing about Brooke's character and how she might of deserved to be killed or how she might of brought this upon herself. Controversy, I suppose you could call it. Let me just tell you, that was the point of her character. She's supposed to be a bit controversial in the sense that, while her actions aren't particularly 'good' or respectful towards others feelings, did she need to die over such a thing. You don't have to like her character, but you have to understand that I'm trying to write a human. Not someone perfect. Humans are complicated, stupidly so. Their emotions and thoughts are complicated. I'm trying to embody that as much as possible. We all good on that? Great. Anyway-

Comments I particularly liked/loved/made me laugh

By toya_kinomoto
Me: I told you Jason is the ML
Mom: you don't know maybe is Jules
Me: Jason
Mom: Jules
Author: MC is with Jason and Jules with new system
Me/mom: ...sounds right
First of all, awesome that your Mom reads this too. Sending my appreciation. Second of all, that's hilarious! As much as I love Jules (seriously I adore them), they aren't the male lead. But y'all have some strong reading between the lines power, I feel exposed. 😳

Not addressing a specific comment, but a thread of comments from Snow White's School Girl Goals, but the fact that so many people though Mr.Umbridge was a Harry Potter reference is so fucking funny I can't-
I just thought of his name on a whim and you guys just overcame all expectations it's honestly beautiful I love you all.

Another comment that made me laugh, did anyone else mistake Maxine as a guy at first? I still find it funny because originally she was supposed to be a guy but then I was like, why not have a girl? And so Max was now Maxine. I would've loved them either way.

I've also noticed that a couple of you guys liked Ethan, Maxine's older brother. Would you have liked more of him? I enjoyed writing him because. . . I can't actually explain it but he's just fun. I'm always trying to improve so I suppose writing in more side character content would be good.

This is almost the finale for our Q&A! But before we get to the final part, the preview for the next arc, I'd just like to thank all of you again for reading this story and enjoying it! I know my updates aren't exactly consistent but having you guys wait for them and love them is always a mood booster! If you ever get tired of waiting here, I recommend you read my other story Villainess Reform Project as it's much better with updates sometimes and is a bit longer and has a focused plot.

Now then, our main event has come to center stage! The next arc preview! Also, remember to look at the pictures each chapter as they are usually our characters!

Brooke slowly opened her eyes to the pastel bedroom she had began to consider a 'home base' of sorts. The familiar voice of her System greeted her.

[ Good morning, Host! The upgrade was successful and I now have various new features! Would you like to hear about them? ]

"Do you actually remember them?"

[ No! But I will eventually! ( ^∇^) ]

Brooke could only sigh and shake her head. Well, at least Jules was honest. She could respect that.

"What's our next mission?" She yawned out, rubbing her eyes. It felt weird being back in her original body.

[ I'll give you the Main Tasks now! Please wait a moment! ]

The task board Brooke remembered showed up once again, seeming to be a different color for whatever reason. She only remembered it being white, now it was red.

     1. Keep the ML from building a harem. No killing allowed.

     2. No drinking blood! You have a human diet.

     3. Bring the noble house of Giandim back to its former glory

Before Brooke could question what was up with the second task, the world went black.

The End

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