3.4 An Accidental Exposé

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[ Guys this AN has nothing to do with anything but I just had to say this because I find it stupid funny.

Ever since I killed off Annabell, I think Pinterest has been expressing it's anger with me by constantly giving me pictures of black haired, grey eyed pretty girls.

I swear that every time I open up that app it gives me like 20 pictures of a potential Annabell and I find it stupid hilarious.

That's all. Love you. ]

"Mom, can we stop at the library after this?" Liling asked, tugging on her mother's sleeve. The three women of the Zhang family were sat in the back of a sleek black car, a chauffeur operating the vehicle for them. They had just finished eating breakfast at a rather fancy restaurant and were off to buy new clothes as a sort of welcome home gift for Liling.

Brooke couldn't help but appreciate the fact that as Annabell she had experienced a rich life, as otherwise she'd never be able to adapt to this kind of situation. Money really does talk and its talk makes Brooke somewhat uncomfortable.

"The library? Is there a book you want to pick up?" Qin Yuhuan asked, looking at her youngest daughter curiously. "We could just buy it at a bookstore for you."

"It'll be really quick, I promise. I just need to look at it for a bit." Liling persuaded, eyes pleading. To be exact, she really would only need to look at the book for a short while. After all, the skill of amazing memory that she possessed made this much easier.

The book that she was looking to pick up was one on the divorce laws of this world. Sure, hiring a lawyer to learn about how to proceed with a divorce would work too but lawyers could be bribed and she wouldn't ever put her 'father' above such a thing if he would allow his mistress to question the legitimacy of his own children.

Qin Yuhuan looked at her daughter's pleading expression and couldn't help but pinch her still full of baby fat cheeks. "Alright, we'll go to the library right after we finish shopping." Her voice was full of gentle pampering with a smile that brightened her eyes. It would be a blessing if her youngest daughter could always be so full of energy and carefree, but her physical condition could leave Liling at heaven's gate with even a sneeze. If she had any regrets in this lifetime it would be not giving her daughter a healthy body.

Liling pouted as her mother pinched her cheeks but smiled through the sting when Qin Yuhuan consented to her request. "Yay!" Turning her attention from her mother to the more quiet Lihua, she tugged on her shirt sleeve as well. "Jiejie, you have to come look for the book with me so I don't miss it."

Lihua got the same look of pampering in her eyes as she gazed at her younger sister, giving her head a soft pet. "Alright, Jiejie will come looking for it with you. But you have to stay close so you don't get lost." Although she spoke gently, her voice was firm. While Liling had never been one to wander away or get lost, who knew what could happen with the constant plotting of the Su family and an unreliable sorry excuse of a father, who knew what could happen. It was better to keep her as close as possible.

"When have I ever gotten lost? I'm 13, not 9." Liling replied indignantly, but you could tell from her expression and tone that she wasn't truly upset.

This kind of good family atmosphere was common among the three Zhang ladies, even before Lihua had come back in time. Feeling all this love again after years of abuse in the clutches of Su Daiyu and Su Jinjing, was already bringing her close to tears and hardening her resolve.

Su Daiyu, Su Jinjing, Zhang Guo, and all of those other people who bullied and belittled her beloved family before would be fed to the dogs piece by piece. Not even bones would be left behind.

Lost in her thoughts once again, Zhang Lihua hadn't noticed the eyes of her sister gazing at her knowingly and silently, a grin stretching across her gentle features that looked almost carnivorous in nature.
After going to several clothing stores to find clothes that Liling liked, the three Zhang ladies finally arrived at the City A library. With Liling impatiently tugging on Lihua's sleeve, Qin Yuhuan finally let her daughters go off on their own with a reminder.

"You two have half an hour before you have to come back and meet me at the entrance, alright? Make sure to stick close to each other. Don't talk to any strangers unless they're staff."  Her voice wasn't above a whisper but both girls could hear her well. With that said the two girls made their exit and into the towering bookshelves in search of what Liling desired.

"Liling, exactly what book are you looking for anyway?" Lihua asked, looking down at her shorter sibling with curious eyes. While Liling had never particularly been a bookworm, she did enjoy the occasional novel or nonfiction book. But she had never accompanied her to this section of the library.

Without glancing at her elder sister, Liling threw out the title of the book which stunned Lihua for a short time.

"Guide To Divorce Laws."

"... Why do you need that book?"

"Just in case."

"Just in case of what?"

"Just in case Jiejie or I marry a scum man and need to escape."



Officially having nothing more to ask Liling, Lihua decided to keep her mouth shut and mull over the conversation that just ended. Liling had never had an interest in law before, so why the sudden interest especially in such a sensitive subject of law as well? Not to mention her earlier statement. Marrying a scum man? Needing escape? Lihua would never let such a thing happen but the words still seemed like they had double meaning. Did Liling perhaps...

Looking at her little sister again, Lihua couldn't help but feel a sense of urgency in her mind and took a deep breath before asking in the softest voice she could muster.

"Liling, did you-"

"Oh, Jiejie look! It's dad!"

City A's public library had multiple floors and many floor to ceiling windows to allow natural light into the building, along with providing a great view of the city gardens which were a block or two away. The two girls had been passing by a hall of these windows which gave a direct view of across the street. Hearing Liling's excited exclamation, Lihua turned out to look for the figure she so loathed. Sure enough, in the crowds of people outside, she could see the silhouette of her father at an angle.

"Isn't dad supposed to be at work right now? Maybe he's having a lunch meeting." Liling's innocent suggestion sent an arrow straight through Lihua's heart. Instinctively, she tried to pull Liling away from the window but when she caught sight of two other familiar figures, her body when stiff.

Su Daiyu and Su Jinjing!

Lihua couldn't help but ruthlessly taunt the group in her heart. What a wonderful father! Taking one family out on the town while neglecting the other! Good, good, good!

She truly realized her mistake when she saw Su Daiyu kiss Zhang Guo, Su Jinjing clinging onto his arm, and the subtle sound of a phone camera click from directly next to her.

[ Secret Task, Catch The Lovebirds In The Act: Completed! Congratulations, Host! ]

[ Guess who happens to be somewhat alive this weekend! 😳 ]

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