1.7 Mad Max & Queen Candice

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[ Before this chapter starts, I just want to thank you all for your love and support of this book. We've literally reached 450+ votes and gotten a 1st place spot on a tag list! It means so much to me that you enjoy this story as much as I enjoy writing it! As we get closer and closer to the end of this arc, I'd like your opinions. Would you guys like a special chapter of some kind after the last chapter of each arc? If so, please put your suggestions down in the comments! Once again, thank you so much for your support and love ❤ P.S(Sorry for the late update. Rewrote this chapter a bunch) ]

Annabell would've spent Sunday wallowing in her embarrassment and self-pity after the fiasco of waking up in Jason's lap, but a text from Maxine in the afternoon kind of put a wrench in her plans. Well, more like her text and then sudden appearance.

'getting lunch at FG, wanna come???'

For reference, FG or ForeatGrill was kind of like a McDonald's in this world but better. Now that Maxine had mentioned it, Annabell seriously wanted some of those chicken nuggets. But somehow her shame outweighed her hunger for those crispy chicken nuggets.

'not feeling too good. Prob not'

Annabell's mind reached a blank with Maxine's reply.

'itll be my treat! + Candice is joining'

Free chicken nuggets or staying at home. Free chicken nuggets or stay at home? Free chicken nuggets.

Which fully explained why she was sitting in a red leather seat booth, dipping her chicken nuggets in ketchup as Maxine shoveled french fries down her throat to Candice's horror.

Friendship is great, isn't it?

"How do you even do that?" Candice mumbled in disbelief. "What are you? A vacuum?"

Maxine paused in her quest for consumption to pout at Candice. "I prefer the term 'Red Kirby', thank you very much!"

". . . Red what?"

"Kirby! Please tell me you know who Kirby is."

Candice shook her head, obviously not knowing what iconic pink creature Maxine was speaking of. This caused Maxine to choke on her own saliva.

"Are you sure you live in a mansion and not under a rock?"

"What's that supposed to mean?"

Annabell probably needed to intervene. After one more chicken nugget. Mhmm. Okay, yeah, she'd step in now. Thoroughly chewing her food, Annabell finally interrupted the two before things went out of control.

"Maxine, Candice may not be particularly up to date with pop culture but that doesn't make her ill-informed."

Her soft voice interrupted the two voices, Candice instantly feeling a bit smug about being defended and Maxine a bit hurt. She was only teasing the other girl, why was she being scolded like a child?

"I didn't mean it like that..."

Annabell smiled gently. "I know you didn't. I just wanted to settle this argument before we got kicked out."

At that, the two other girls could agree. That conversation was getting a bit heated and the staff behind the counter were glaring at them. There was a good chance that if Annabell hadn't stepped in, the three of them would've been asked to leave the premises. That would've sucked.

"And Candice?"


"All you need to know about Kirby is that... It's? He's? It's a pink, round creature that consumes all, even worlds. So Max is just a red menace who could eat the entire world if she wished."

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