2.11 Ballroom Blitz Pt.2

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[ Hey. I'm here with your somewhat not really daily dose of boredom distraction and voting. Are you guys ready? If not, that's okay. You're gonna read this chapter anyway. This time, our vote will be with random quotes from each candidate. Enjoy!

[ Vote 😷 for Zhang Liling - Sickly Sister ]
"Why am I so happy? Well, that's because I live everyday very happily. As long as my day is happily spent with those I love, this disease of mine can take me at any time without regrets."

[ Vote 🍶 for Himura Kaori - Seamstress Killer ]
"Blood makes you related. It's love that makes you family. I'd know. Anyone related to me died by my hands. In conclusion, be glad you're not related to me.""

[ Vote 🌹 for Euphemia von Gaelin - Rose Princess ]
"Does it make me a coward if I'm afraid even for a moment? I think it does because within a moment I could lose another one of my sisters, all because I got scared. That scares me. I'm terrified. But what else can I do?"

Turaya could confidently say, although it was a bit mean, that Samone was currently her favorite child. Perhaps it was because Renaut had been a little shit recently or because she had spent more time with Samone in order to educate her (although Etienne was the one in charge of education for the most part) but she liked spending time with Samone much more despite her status as a potential future harem member.

Which may have been why she was observing today's lessons. It was mainly because of reports of Renaut not paying attention in class, even sleeping during them. Everyone knows that kids act a lot better when they think their parents are watching, at least if discipline had been properly been dished out. Speaking of which, she had developed the most effective method for disciplining Renaut recently.

She would ask Diane to send him to her office, have him stand in front of her desk, and she'd practically stare into his soul without saying a single thing. Slowly but surely, Renaut's mask of 'I didn't do anything' would crack and crumble away before he admitted whatever he had did. Before that he'd be sweating up a storm and avoiding any and all eye contact with her. From time to time she'd even throw in a 'Do you know why I called you in here?' to really speed up the process.

She had no idea why it worked so well, but it did. Was she suitably intimidating like a parent waiting in the dark for their child to sneak back into the house? That was the energy she had been going for.

Though back to the matter at hand, Renaut had been getting more and more rebellious in Etienne's classes leading up to the day of the ball Turaya was to be escorted by the fellow vampire. Which was why Turaya was now sitting directly next to Renaut during the current lesson on manners that the blonde woman had requested.

Renaut couldn't have been more embarrassed.

Turaya's back was straight and her hands were folded upon her lap, giving rapt attention to Etienne's class while silently correcting Renaut's posture and giving him 'light' pinches to get him back to paying attention. There had been a couple moments in which Etienne almost burst out laughing at Renaut's wronged expressions but held back because of the stare of death that Turaya would surely give him.

Little Samone was completely out of the loop of the hilarity of the situation, only being able to hear things occurring in the room.

Often times she felt more like a mother than an elder sister.

"Jules, what's our current progress with the tasks?"

[ I'll bring it up right now! ☆⌒(*^-゜)v ]

Jules was back to using emojis again. That was bit of a relief. Ever since the whole breakdown situation she had with him after reading the mission report when they had acted differently, she was worried that something was wrong with them. But Jules was back to being Jules all over again. If that was a good thing or a bad thing, she had no idea.

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