1.2 The ML Is Becoming A(My) Dog

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Jason Yates. The blue eyed, white haired, rich football guy of this entire school's female population's dreams. Well, at least according to Maxine's sarcastic explanation during lunch. For every period before lunch the three had shared a class, much to Maxine's constant displeasure. From what Annabell had observed and the information Maxine had fed her, Jason was the first son of the Yates Family that practically owned the entire country, and he used this power to skip classes and even school entirely without punishment. Whenever he did show up for class, it was to mess around and be an all around nuisance. If Annabell was going to have to seduce him, the least she could do was influence him for the better. Poor Mr.Umbridge had gotten a full on migraine from the few seconds Jason was in class and had to leave early. She had actually began to like the older man. His passion for teaching when his students actually showed interest shone through and ended up touching the girl's heart, and if that ding in her head during class was any indication, she had become his favorite student.

Annabell poked at her lunch with little interest. Her mother had packed it with love and care, it was delicious, but with her having much to think about the school's Snow White didn't have much appetite. She had eaten around half of her lunch and the dessert, one of two chocolate chip cookies, and offered the rest to Maxine.

Maxine had just finished gulping down some water after practically inhaling her fresh salad. At least private schools had more than decent school lunches. "Sure, I'll have some. Are you not hungry or something?"

Annabell nodded and pushed her lunchbox to the redhead. "Mhm. I just don't feel too good."

"Do you need to go to the nurse's office? I can show you how to get there."

"No, it's not that. I just ate a lil too fast."

Maxine looked at Annabell with a worried expression but decided not to push it and reached into the girl's lunchbox. What was left inside were half a turkey sandwich, bbq potato chips, carrot sticks, an orange, and the remaining chocolate chip cookie. She took out the potato chips and started crunching. "Did your mom pack this?"

Annabell blushed and sipped her iced tea that had been packed inside the lunchbox's matching thermos. "Well.... Yeah. Why?"

"This just screams a lunch a mom packed, not a highschool kid."

Annabell pouted and sank into her seat a bit. "S-so what? It's more healthy than what other people packed. Look, that girl over there literally only brought a giant pack of Oreos!"

"Once again, lunch a mom packed."

"W-whatever. I'm changing the subject. What clubs does this school have?" Annabell acted thoroughly embarrassed and pouted a bit.

Maxine laughed and went back searching in the lunchbox for that cookie. "Well, depends on what kind of clubs you're into. No offense, but you don't seem like the sports team type of girl."

Annabell had a proud smile. "I'll have you know that I was the best soccer player at my old high school, thank you very much. But I don't wanna be on the team."

Maxine let out an impressed whistle. "Really? We have to play together sometime then!"

Annabell laughed and Maxine began to explain all the clubs to her. There were the outreach clubs, focused on bettering the school environment and communities, the culture clubs like the language clubs, the mental competition clubs like debate club. The clubs that caught Annabell's attention were the Newspaper Club and Student Advisement. The Multicultural Club sounded fun too, but Maxine had mentioned it was just a fake club for people to smoke weed in the school. There had sadly been no history club.

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