2.4 The Dinner Party

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Our favorite Host and System pair will be beginning their journey into D-Tier Worlds, in which they begin to have a choice in which of three worlds they visit. Jules often can't remember all three, so only one is mentioned to Brooke and that is their world. As viewers, you can help make a world the most memorable to Jules! Here's the three worlds to choose from!

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Turaya was proud of herself for reading up on the guests in attendance of the dinner, as she'd often just learn as she went in these types of situations. This wasn't the type of world to do that in though. She was playing the part of a noble lady of a honorable family, she had to know the other nobility.

Even if it drained her to the bone to read through all the text.

First was House Briovalin, with three members of their family in attendance. Duke Briovalin, the man who had conspired against House Giandim with the Church and royal family, his eldest son Edric, and of course the pampered FL, Adelaide. All interesting characters, in terms of an F ranked world.

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