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عشق معشوق کے گرد ہے

ishq maashooq k gird hay

Love is around the beloved


"Aunt, we couldn't find them anywhere". Zohaib said worriedly

They have been searching for them for almost four hours now. The venue was simple so the security camera wasn't there. They have been sitting there calling and waiting for them but they never came.

"Why did you bring us here?". Zoha yelled crying

She was the only one conscious and she couldn't wake Mustafa. She had been trying to shake him awake but he didn't even move a little. When she opened her eyes in the dark she was scared out of her mind. She only calmed down when she found Mustafa only for him to be unconscious.

They were trapped in a room that was sure but she had no seen or heard a single person for hours now.

"Mustafa, please wake up". She begged crying, "I am scared, please".

Mustafa heard her pleading making him greedy to open his eyes. Hearing the sound of her cries breaks his heart.

He opened his eyes looking at her crying a little away from her, "Zoha".

Her head turned towards him she moved closer to him making him sit by leaning on the wall.

"Are you ok?". He asked worriedly looking at her

"I am fine. I am scared". She said tears brimming in her eyes

"I am here with you, Zoha. You don't have to be scared". He said softly

No matter how much he wanted to comfort her there was a huge invisible wall in between them that he couldn't cross. He looked down at his jacket removing it and handing it to her.

"Wear this". He said smiling tightly

She nodded wearing his jacket around her and the comfort filled her immediately. She found the same comfort she would often find when she wears the other jacket. She pulled the jacket tightly around her looking at Mustafa.

"This jacket-". She started

"Seems like the other jacket you have". He said chuckling she frowns as he continues, "It was mine".

Her eyes widen, "You were there?".

He nodded smiling remembering that day, "I would say I was sent there to be correct. My mother asked me to pray to show me the real faces of the people around me. The next day, I saw your sister hitting you".

"So, you know?". She asked nervously

He nodded, "I didn't think too much about it. Until, the day Zunaira came to our house. That was when I realised about it".

"You never said anything-". She started

"Because, I didn't want to invade your privacy and make you uncomfortable. Trust me, I wanted nothing more than to take you away or force you out of there. I wanted to protect you so much, I used to stay up all night thinking of ways and praying for you to not be hurt. I didn't say anything because you asked me not to speak to you unless it's work". He said sighing

"Thank you". She said smiling genuinely, "Wait, if you were there that day you saw my lunch money being taken you didn't-".

"I had to, Zoha, I can't tell you why now but I promise I will". He replied

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