21.4:"Knowing mysteries".

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These chapters are my absolute favourite at the moment. I hope when you read them you can feel and take something out of it.

I might not be able to upload tomorrow hope you stay tune until my next update.



He walks inside the mosque after standing for days outside it. He feels like he belongs here but he is too dirty to stay in a clean place like this. But his feet seem to carry him in today.

He looks around clueless to what he can do here. Beside praying (it's not the time for it and he prayed at home) he has nothing to do.

"Brother". He heard someone says

He turns to a man in his thirties smiling at him. He watches as the man face has a different kind of glow and his aura is so warm.

"I am Ali. Are you looking for something?". He asked standing in front of him

"I am lost". Aashir replied

Ali smiles softly, "Aren't we all?". He pauses patting his shoulder, "It's not that hard to find yourself again".

"Will he (Lord) be happy from me?". Aashir asked

Ali chuckled lightly, "The world around us seems to make us think that our Lord is someone who is hard to please".

"What?". Aashir said confused

"Our Lord is the most merciful and we seem to forget it every day. He loves us more than our mother do you think he will not be happy form us when we try something for him?". Ali asked

Aashir shakes his head merely, "But what can I possibly do to please him?. I am sinful, weak and not the person anyone can like".

"You are his person. He loves all his people that is why he created you and sent you here for tests. Not everyone is sent to the world to be tested". Ali said as they walk outside, "Isn't it weird we know he created all this around us and he is so powerful but he seems to ask us to do small things that make him love us!?".

"I don't understand". Aashir said

"The world is turning into it's worse form at the moment. As we speak more innocent lives are taken by the people in power. The people around her seem to make this mere earth something so big and scary that we are even more scared of our Lord who made it. We need to stop for a moment and realise he created this for us to enjoy not to be intimidated by it. He is big, powerful and he can do everything but he is also someone who is kind, loving and the most merciful. He never asks for much for what he had given us. All he asks is little time of us". Ali said smiling genuinely, "How about we start from the smallest task. He loves children especially orphan as he has given them rights and asked us to provide for them. How about you volunteer in giving to his people (especially the most loved ones) and you can find yourself along the way".

"How is giving connected to finding myself?". Aashir asked

"Giving seems to be such a small act but it has a greater impact. We have forgotten that he asked us not to waste a single grain and instead donate it to the one in need. We seem to forget he asked us to continue to give, give and give as much as we can. It wasn't just to feed the hungry but to feed our hungry soul. The more we give the closer we are to him. By giving to his people we will find the peace we have lost". Ali explained, "Let's go. I feel like you will find your path soon".

He looks at her and the frown on her face which is filled with anger making him chuckle.

He was rejected.

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