39.4:"Vague visions".

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*deep breath to control the tears*

This is the second last chapter. :""(


"Ok. First love, what are you doing in my house?". She asked raising her eyebrows at the audacity of this woman, still not leaving her position on her husband lap watching just how  that position seems to agitated the woman

"I was here to speak to him when you rudely interrupted". The woman answered angrily

"Well, go on ahead and talk. Don't mind me".

"I didn't know she is coming here neither I want to speak to her about anything". Her husband said holding her hand over her chest and she can see how every ticking minute he seems to pale

She cannot blame him.

"It seems to me my husband isn't interested in speaking to you".

"Husband?. She is your wife?". The woman screeched making her wince at the loud sound and her husband held her hand tighter comforting her

"Which century does this woman lives in?". She asked looking at the woman, "Our marriage was announced and broadcast on all social media platforms. I am sure you would have found about it and that must be the reason for your sudden appearance just before I come in".

"What are you implying to?". The woman asked and this time her voice was low

She smirks looking at her, "You must have been here for approximately 10 or 15 minutes knowing exactly that I will show up any time soon. It doesn't take a genius to know why even if first love or not someone will come to their past lover when they have a spouse. Unless they wish to create some unwanted drama and sad for you I hate drama, to begin with".

She was right.

"I didn't know you were his wife or he was married". The woman weakly defended herself

"And I am the Queen of England".


"I think we were saying lies".

The anger on the woman face increases to more level and she feels herself drifting back to her fear that she felt in that moment. But there is no way she is going to sit there and not defend her husband. She knows him enough to know he is not this kind of man.

"You are not even worth being called his wife. What is that on your face?". The woman asked

"Don't". She snapped as her eyes held anger but more fear that built in her chest

The woman smirks, "Just because he cannot see doesn't mean he shouldn't know that your face is ugly with a--".

She leaps forward to scratch her face but her husband wraps his arms around her waist effectively pulling her around making her sit on his lap with his arms tightly around her as she fights against his chest to be free.

Which he didn't do.

"Shhh". He cooed, "I got you. You're ok. I got you, baby. You're safe".

He did that for a few minutes until she stops trashing in his arms. He kissed on her hair feeling her moving more into him for comfort which he grateful provide her with.

But, this isn't over.

"You married that low life". His ex-lover- Faiza or so he thought said

His body stiffened as his face held nothing short of pure fury at the way one woman is out to mock another just to drag her down somehow even if it means attacking her insecurities and that is no joke.

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