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She wanted to say she didn't wanted to work here but she just swallowed her words because her boss had helped her in her life enough times then she can count.

She was introduced to their IT team which was about four people from which three were boys (Hussain, Amir, Ali) and one girl (Nida).

"I don't even know why they would need an outsider to do our work". Nida said rolling her eyes, "It's like they are saying they don't like our work anymore".

She just stayed quiet looking at the file that was handed to her.

"They don't like us". Shaikhah said moving closer to her

She shrugged, "Did you see the file? They have some problems in that".

"You should speak to the boss because he said we have to report to him directly". Shaikhah said smiling secretly

"You seem to like that". Sumaiya said rolling her eyes, "I will speak to him".

"Have fun". Shaikhah said chuckling

"What are you laughing about at work?. Is that professional behaviour?". Nida said

"We should be welcoming them". Amir said politely

"I didn't ask you for advice and stay in your limits. Don't be free with me". Nida said angrily

Sumaiya sighs.

"I am going for the meeting". She said softly walking away


She knocks on the door after hearing his approval she walks inside the office. She looks around the office then back at him while he is busy with his own files. She notices for the first time that he was a rather handsome fellow she has ever seen.

She frowns at her thoughts.

"Are you ok?". He asked making her shriek a little

She nods.

"I wanted to discuss these files". She said softly

He nodded smiling, "Zeeshan said that you are fast in your work but I didn't think you would be this fast".

She walked near the table sitting down in front of him.

"There is something wrong. I think it might be fraud because the number and other things don't match". She said explaining the situation

He nodded looking at her as she speaks but what actually had his interest was the fact that the woman he was watching now was determined, strong and focused. She wasn't consistently apologising for something she didn't do, not being pushed around and definitely anything but weak.

She was different.

He wondered if this was the actual her that people had crushed and if it was then what had happened that she was being humiliated like that by everyone.

"Do you think you can do that?". She asked softly

"Huh?". He said confused

"I asked if you can tell me the time limit you want this to be done so I can work accordingly!?". She repeated

"Oh, about the time limit there is no limit. Zeeshan said that you can do your work slowly because we both want you to reach the end of it. So, even if you take the time it's fine by us". He said smiling

She nodded thoughtfully, "It will take time to know the real face behind all this. But I wanted to ask if you really want to know and handle the real face behind it?".

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