30.7:"By choice".

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Alhamduillah Alhamduillah! My mother is back home however she have 6 months or treatment to do but I am relieved she is back home.

Thank you for all your support I am truly overwhelmed. That's why I have worked hours on this LONG chapter just for all of you.

I hope you enjoy it.

Also, advance Ramadan Kareem. May all your dua comes true and all your prayer be accepted.



She immediately checks his pulse calling the ambulance but with the afternoon traffic, there is no way the ambulance will come soon.

She asked the people around to help him to his car since she didn't bring her own and she drives like a madwoman through the traffic reaching her hospital.

"EMERGENCY". She yelled as she enters inside the ward asking for the doctor

"Who is he to you?". The nurse asked

"My husband. He is my husband". She said holding his hand as the doctor looks at him

"We will take him in". The doctor said pulling her away taking him away

She paced in front of the ward trying to calm herself as she has checked his vitals which were fine but to know that he was still taken inside and he might have some other issues scares her. She called Hira to inform her she won't be coming with her anymore. Her heart was the one that stays unstable no matter how much she tries to calm herself and being a doctor herself wasn't exactly helpful when it comes to her own family.

She heard the doctor coming out and she runs to him asking him questions as he speaks, "Please, calm down. He is alright. It's just because he suffers from a shock that he passed out and that fall have caused it. We are still checking on him so he had to stay the night. Also, his back will have a lot of pain because of falling and the medicine will wear off in two hours".

She nodded meekly entering inside the ward where he was transferred. She finds him on the bed with the IV attached to his hand. She gulped her emotions trying her best not to break down. It was all her fault if she was looking he wouldn't have done that. But why did he risk his life for her?.

She moves to sit on the chair beside the bed holding his hand that was on the bed. She feels his strong hand that she once used to hold when he was sleeping in her soft ones bringing it closer to her lips kissing it.

The time went by with the doctor informing that the results are fine and he has no further issues which have her sigh in relief. But it was already night and she was waiting for him to open his eyes so she can actually be relaxed.

She feels him stirs groaning in pain because now the medicine wears off. She immediately stands hovering over him shaking him awake.

"Omar, open your eyes". She said softly brushing his unruly hair away

Omar blinks his eyes opening them after hearing and feeling her hand over him. His eyes immediately fell on the beauty that was looking at him concerned. Her eyes brimmed in tears as their eyes met. He pushes himself to sit even when the pain course through him hugging her tightly remembering her almost getting hit.

"Are you ok?. Did you get hurt?. Please, tell me". He said pulling back looking all over her to find any scratch

"You are the one who is in a hospital bed not me". She said wiping her tears with a slight smile

He smiles sighing that she wasn't hurt. He moves his hand to wipe her tears as her eyes meet his.

"Then why are you crying?". He asked softly

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