Day One: The Notebook of Fate

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His weekend had surprisingly been relaxing after calling Sunny his latest two-week fling. They had spent the weekend wrapped up in each other's lust and Yi Jeong had definitely felt like the past 48 hours had managed to blur his pain enough to a 2nddegree burn.

"Hey man!"

Smiling at his friend Yi Jeong knew he wouldn't press him for answers to his whereabouts. They were close enough for Woo Bin to know where he was, what he did, and the subject that was to be avoided. If Yi Jeong really wanted to talk to him or his other friends then he would share otherwise his family was a very private subject.

"Have fun this weekend?" Woo Bin asked with a smirk and Yi Jeong simply replied with the same gesture shaking his head and dropping the subject when Goo Jun Pyo arrived with his girlfriend Jan Di and her cousin Jae Kyung, behind them Ji Hoo.

"Are you alright Yi Jeong?" Jan Di questioned concern in her eyes and although Yi Jeong knew she meant well he simply ignored her question. Jun Pyo simply taking Jan Di by the hand while Jae Kyung headed to Woo Bin and kissed his cheek earning a smirk from his friend. Shaking his head Yi Jeong simply began to empty his locker for his morning classes letting his friends banter slowly ebb away the burn inside him just a bit more.

His friends were all people to trust for him. He considered them close and the only people he could take his guard down enough to trust with the subject of his family. He didn't discuss much afraid of pity but they knew the basics of his mother and father, not his feelings. Then there was his brother Il Hyun and Eun Jae... Before his thoughts could carry him away too much he was interrupted by the first bell then by Sunny who made her way over to him with her two friends Ginger and Miranda. Only Sunny and Miranda both offered a smile his way. Yi Jeong had previously dated Ginger and it seemed the girl was not over the fact things had ended sourly for her and him the year prior.

"Oppa. Can we talk?" Sunny asked.

"We'll see you later." Ji Hoo spoke shaking his head while the rest of his friends walked to class knowingly. Sighing Yi Jeong spoke first after Miranda and Ginger walked away and the halls emptied.

"Let's break up." He said to the girl who looked at him in surprise first before crying. This seemed to last for a few more minutes and he was already used to it.

Trying his best to keep his composure, he watched the girl in front of him break down in front of him. There was such a pleasure and irritation that he felt at watching this girl break. It was times like these that he was able to see people at their most vulnerable and he found it pathetic and amusing. For a moment he pondered to himself thinking that maybe he should ask her why she was willingly allowing him to see this part of her.

"Please, Oppa!"

"Don't you love me?"

Love? The word almost made him lose his cool but he kept his cold composure and refrained from laughing at her. He wasn't being cruel. In fact, Yi Jeong had repeatedly explained to every girl that he dated or rather bedded, that it was nothing but sexual. There was a chance that maybe in his sexual haze he might fall for her. He was a hypocrite of course because time and time again it was proven that he was someone who could not love.

"I love you Yi Jeong Oppa!" Sunny cried her makeup running down her cheeks as she dropped to her knees.

Unfortunately for Sunny, Yi Jeong had reached his limit. Kneeling and professing some undying love that Yi Jeong knew was only lust irritated him to no ends.

"Enough." He spoke quietly. He tried his best to be a gentleman, he really did at least in moments like these where he was cutting all ties with women he slept with but there was no way to avoid looking like a douche. Especially when the girls cried and begged the way they did to him. Professing their love already irritated him enough but kneeling was losing one's pride and if there was one thing Yi Jeong would never lose and refused for anyone else to lose it was their pride. Sighing he stood her up though she struggled to stay on her knees as she sobbed.

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