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"Hey, Tamaki!" I waved excited as I passed him in the hallway. He tensed up, with his face becoming a crimson color. He avoided eye contact and walked with Togata. I could hear Bakugo's voice from all the way down the hall and he was running. I looked back and was surprised by him chasing another student, Midoriya to be exact. I just in time jumped out of the way and into Tamaki.

"Oh, s-sorry Tamaki." I said with a laugh at the end so it was as awkward as it already was.

"Its fine." Togata replied for him, I smiled and waved him off.


"Togata!!!" I grabbed his shoulder and jumped up and down whispering in his ear about my plan. "OMG DID YOU SEE THE WAY TAMAKI REACTED!!! They are so cute together..."

YNS POV _Couple Weeks Later_

These past few weeks were weirder then usual, I mean I saw Tamaki around my locker more then usual and talked to him bit by bit and more and more. I opened my locker up to receive a note, 'Hi, not to scare you but can you meet me in the janitors closet?'

I was surprised, and secretly hoped it was Tamaki. I had started to get a big crush on him. It would be nice to have him as a boyfriend I think, sure he's shy. But thats what I love about him. And mostly everything. I smiled slightly to myself and walked into the closet turning the light on... TAMAKI!



"So you sent me the letter?" His face contorted into confusion and left up a note exactly like mine.

"I-I-I thought y-y-you sent me th-the note." I laughing outside the door, nobody would be able to mistake Togata's laugh.

"Togata! What are you doing?" I asked pounding on the door slightly.

"Trapping you until you two confess!"

"Confess what?" I whined.

"Your twos undying love!" Now my face was also red, we just stood there for a little while before I fidgeted with my fingers.

"So, uh, Tamaki, I do, really like you. I uh, do you wanna go on a date, maybe?" He choked up and pointed to his chest.

"M-me?" I nodded and his blush grew more, if even possible. "Ye-yeah, that'd be g-great."

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