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The music was definingly loud. We were all in the van, and Devin was given shotgun. I hated when he got to sit up front, since he always picked atrocious music.

A horrendous "rapper", named Little Gas Pump or something, was repeating the same three words over and over again. How do people like this trash? Chopin is where it's at.

Mason and Alex didn't seem to have a problem with it. Quinn did though. She was covering her ears, to try and block out the noise.

Poor little thing. I pulled one of her hands off and whispered into her ear, "This is really bad music, isn't it?" She almost seemed to smile. I'm not sure what she looks like when she smiles, I imagine that it's very lovely, though. Maybe with little dimples.

She looked down at her little bear in her lap pitifully. Taking her hands off of her own ears, Quinn placed them on her bear's. I couldn't help but smile, making her blush a little.

At the house, Quinn and I sat down so I could go over her homework with her. She seemed like she understood the concept well, she just doubts herself, so she wastes time double—or something's even triple—checking her answers. I want to try and help with her confidence; although, I'm not sure how.

Mom was taking the night shift tonight, so it was my turn to cook. I decided to put a little bit of green beans on a plate for Quinn to try. She didn't eat it. She just looked at the plate then up at me. Her face was confused and a bit queasy. Alex took her plate away quickly. He had a worried look on his face and watched Quinn closely for the rest of the night.

A few hours later, I sat criss cross beside Alex on the couch. "What's the deal with Quinn not eating?" I asked. The others were asleep and Quinn was bunkered up in her room for the night. I figured that now was the best time to ask Alex about everything.

"Some things happened," Alex said curtly. "She was forced to eat."

"Forced?" I asked, confused.

"Her grandpa," Alex sighed, combing his fingers through his messy brown hair. "She didn't want to eat, but her grandpa made her so she wouldn't be taken away. He decided that what happened to her mom was her fault, so she needed to stay with him as punishment. Poor little thing has seen way too much."

"I'm not allowed to tell anyone, am I?" I asked after a moment, leaning to the side so I could rest my head on his shoulder. He seemed shocked that I had done it, seeing as I never really was one to show much affection towards my siblings, but still put his arm around my shoulder. This must be rough on him, hearing about bad things happening to Quinn. I can handle it a bit better because I had spent the weekend with my birth mom before. Never again.

"It's best if you don't," Alex sighed. "I hate that I even have to tell you. I'm sorry."

"It's fine," I assured. "If I didn't know then I'd be even more troubled. I've been wondering what happened to her. So, even if it is just a little, I'm glad I know what happened."

"Go on off to bed now," Alex whispered, patting my back. "We've got school tomorrow."

I nodded and walked up the stairs. Quinn was still up, and in the bathroom washing her face, so I figured I'd tell her goodnight.

I knocked on the door, which made Quinn jump out of her skin. I wish I could get her to stop being so jumpy, but now at least I can understand why. "Sorry," I whispered. "I didn't mean to scare you." She turned over to me and nodded. "So um..." I started. I couldn't get anymore out though.

In Quinn's eyes I saw something I had never noticed before. Fear. I had the sudden realization that Quinn has had this terrified look in her eyes since she came here. When we first met her, when she went to school for the first time; she always looked scared.

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