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Quinn and I were out at the park. It was a short walk since we lived in such a small town. We were having a competition to see who could swing higher. So far Quinn was winning, it's only because she's smaller than me though. And Devin thought it would be funny to give her a boost that almost flipped her swing.

"Quinn! Mason! It's time to head back!" Alex yelled. He was waiting at the exit of the park with the twins. We jumped off of the swings and ran after them. Devin picked up Quinn when we got to them and spun her around before gently putting her back to her feet. Camryn gave her bear back to her and smoothed her waist-length hair that was a bit messy from swinging.

Alex is probably the coolest of my brothers. He has a super pretty girlfriend named Maddy, and is the student council president. He's insanely tall, too, and great at basketball. I've always wanted to be more like him, except I want to be better at math than he is.

Devin's pretty cool, too. He picks on me sometimes, but all brothers do that. He's crazy good at every sport he plays, but he isn't the smartest person. He's got big muscles though, so girls seem to like him. The big guy still hasn't gotten himself a girlfriend though, he said he was looking for the right one.

Camryn is the exact opposite of Devin. It's hard to believe they're even twins sometimes. She is nowhere near athletic, but she's super smart. If you gave her a bunch of college-level math problems there would be no doubt in my mind that she'd finish it in an hour. She doesn't really like to be hugged or anything, but every now and then I've gotten away with it. She claims it's because I'm younger than her.

Quinn is the only one that's younger than me. She looked a lot like the twins with her blue eyes and blonde hair, but their resemblances stopped there. Quinn's adorable, unlike the twins, and she's a lot sweeter, too. All the rest of us get into fights, but Quinn has never even sighed or rolled her eyes. She has this huge scar on her face, and she really hates it. She especially doesn't like when people ask about it. I'm always catching kids stare at her in the hallways too, and I hate that they do that.

"Did you guys have fun?" Camryn asked. We were walking home from the park, Quinn right beside me with her bear hugged tightly to her chest. It was a warm sunny day, perfect for the park.

"Yeah," I nodded, "it was really fun."

"Oh yeah? That's good," Alex smiled. He turned to Quinn and asked, "What about you two? Did you have fun?" Quinn nodded and made her bear nod too.

"Why don't we get some ice cream," Devin asked. "It feels like an ice cream day to me."

"Same here," I agreed happily.

"That doesn't sound bad," Alex smiled.

"I don't see why not," Camryn nodded. "Quinn?" She just shrugged and began to groom her bear's hair. "Guess that's an 'I don't mind.'"

"Well if we're going to get ice cream," Devin smiled, "then I guess we might as well go all out."

"Shake It Up?" Alex asked. Devin nodded joyfully.

"Alright!" I yelled, punching the air. "Shake It Up is the best!" Quinn tugged on my shirt and looked up at me with a confused expression. "That's right, you've never been, have you?" She shook her head no. "It's, like, this super popular ice cream place. They've got awesome shakes and super cool toppings." She nodded and went back to grooming the bear's hair.

"You think Maddie's going to give us a discount?" Devin asked.

"She always gives us a discount," Camryn deadpanned with an eye-roll.

"Yeah, well..." Devin mumbled, embarrassed.

"Come on," Alex sighed. He grabbed Quinn's hand as he led us across the street.

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