Twenty four-Nora

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I unlocked the door and stepped in. Mom and dad weren't home, and all of the kids were at school. I thought so, anyways. I figured that I could relax until they came home. He's going to want to have a couple of beers with me, so I want a few hours of peace before my hangover tomorrow.

After an hour or so there was a call from Mom to the home phone. She was shocked to hear my voice, but disregarded it quickly.

"I need you to go to the school for me," Mom said nervously.

"Why? What's wrong?" I asked.

"Well, it's your foster sister. She collapsed at school. Can you please go and pick her up? I know it's a lot to ask." She sounded so stressed and panicked.

"It's alright, Mom. I'll go pick her up right now. I need to know her name and stuff, though," I said unsurely.

"Her name is Quinn Sage, and she's a sixth grader. Tell the office that you're my daughter and they'll let you go grab her," she explained. "I'll call and inform them that you're picking her up in my place."

"Okay, I'm on it." I hung up the phone and grabbed my keys. Five minutes later, I was at the school signing Quinn out in the office.

"She's in the nurse's office, you can just go ahead and grab her," the woman at the desk said.

"Thank you ma'am," I smiled.

I walked into the nurse's office and looked around. One boy was taking an inhaler, a girl was checking her blood pressure, and a second little girl was lying on a bed in a small, dark room. Two girls were sitting in the room with her. They were speaking to her gently, telling her that they hoped for her to get better soon

"Can I help you, ma'am?" The nurse asked, drawing my attention from the small room to her.

"Yes, I'm here to pick up my little sister," I said. "Her name is Quinn."

"Oh, little miss Sage? She's just in there, I'll go and wake her." The nurse started to stand, but I cut her off.

"Oh, no, it's fine," I assured. "It's best that she sleeps for as long as she can."

"Okay, that's fine," she nodded, sitting back down. "Girls, I believe that you were only here to drop off a bag."

The two girls sighed and nodded. They got up, whispering goodbye, and left. Both gave me skeptical looks, as the passed.

"Good friends, those two," the nurse chuckled. "Always looking after their friends. A good thing little miss Sage found them, they'll take good care of the poor thing."

I smiled and nodded, walking into the room and looked down at the little girl. She had. Agilent scar on her face, and bandages on her arms. Looking at her brought back memories of when I was little girl—memories I didn't want to have. I looked away and sat the girl up so I could get her on my back.

When I was standing with her, it felt like I was carrying nothing at all. I wrapped one arm behind me and under her while I grabbed her backpack with my newly freed hand.

"Sammy," she mumbled.

I shushed her and carried her out of the room, thanking the nurse as I went.

"Nora?" A voice asked. I turned around and smiled at Mason.

"Hey, lil' man." I waved with my bag hand.

"Is Quinn okay?" He asked nervously. He came closer and looked at her with worried eyes. Quinn just barely became conscious and looked at him tiredly. Her small hand reached out and cupped the right side of his face. He grabbed it and squeezed it gently.

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