Twenty One-Foster Lady

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@cuddle_bear_x  And @dolphinlover09 Thank you guys for your support! I put out another chapter for you two! Hope you guys like it! <3

At two thirty my parents made it to the house. My mom hugged each of the kids and then Quinn after Alex coaxed her out from behind him. My dad was much more aggressive with his hugs, and squeezed poor Quinn so hard you could hear her little bones crack. She hid behind Alex again and squeezed her little bear to her chest.

Next to come was Ben's sister, Stacey. Along with her was Travis—her sixteen year old son, Ella—her one year old daughter, and Lukas—her twelve year old son. Her divorced husband was nowhere in sight.

Good, I thought. I never liked him anyways.

Stacey hugged Ben and kissed his cheek. "It's my favorite big brother," she grinned.

"Your only big brother, Stace," Ben sighed.

Stacey rolled her eyes playfully and turned to give me a hug. She set Ella down, and immediately the little baby crawled to Quinn. Stacey, noticing Quinn for the first time, turned to me and asked, "Another one?"

I laughed and nodded. "Her name's Quinn; she's my goddaughter."

"Well, she's a very cute daughter," Stacey chuckled. "How old is she?"

"Eleven," I answered.

"Eleven! Goodness, she's small!" Stacey cried.

"Next to my boys, of course," I joked. "All of the girls look small beside them."

Stacey laughed and walked into the kitchen. She had Travis set down a sweet potato casserole and rolled up her sleeves to help me cook.

Yes, we have more to cook. We have a big family to feed after all. My boys will eat half of what we have on their own, so we need to get busy.

Soon, my little brother and sister, John and Kelly, came.

John's wife, Linda, had a little baby bump, and announced that they were twin girls. Her daughter, eleven year old Millie, was excited with the news, even after she had been told months before.

Kelly was like me, and couldn't have kids, so she adopted four sons and a daughter of her own. Two of her sons, Ryan and Jack, were Mason's age. Then there was one a year younger than Leigh—Adam, and her last boy, Mark, was two. Then there was Holly, who was the twins' age.

Lastly came Ben's parents. His mom went around giving everybody her special caramel candies, while his dad asked me about Quinn at the table.

"Isn't that Josh's little baby?" He asked quietly.

"I'm afraid so," I sighed.

"And I suppose Marissa and Josh ain't alive anymore," he concluded sadly.

"I'm sorry Marcus, but Josh is dead," I confirmed. "Marissa's in mental hospital now, but she should be doing more than just being wrapped in a straight jacket."

"She did it?" Marcus asked.

"Yeah, poor Quinn's entire family died right in front of her. She would have died too, if it weren't for Sammy." I grabbed a paper towel and dabbed at my teary eyes.

"He always was a good brother," he recalled sadly.

"What's important now is that Quinn's safe and has a loving family to take care of her. That's what I like to think, anyways," I said optimistically.

"And it's right to think that. Quinn's lucky to have you, Chelsea. Real lucky," Marcus assured.

"Thanks Marcus, I always love having you around," I admitted while standing up from the table.

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