Twenty Two-Devin

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It's been almost three weeks since the Thanksgiving incident. We're on our second to last day before school ends for Christmas, but something has been making Quinn on edge lately. I've noticed a lot of bruises on her, and she tries to hide them, but they're too big to miss.

I was feeling nervous, and decided to follow Quinn. I was late to every class, but it was worth it when I finally caught the culprits. Quinn was cornered by four girls. Two of them looked scared, unsure of what to do, but the other two knew exactly what they were doing. The look in their eyes was enough to tell me.

Quinn stood a few inches shorter than the girls, but she kept her confidence. She didn't seem afraid of the girls, but tired for sure. She'd been dealing with them for too long.

Stupid idiot! Why didn't you notice! You're a horrible brother! You don't even deserve that title! Why didn't you talk to her when you first started noticing the bruises? You're useless! A pathetic excuse for a brother! You should just leave the rescuing for good brothers like Alex!

"So, what do we have here?" The ginger asked, snapping me out of my thoughts. She seemed to be the boss. "The little brat who thinks she's so cool because her siblings are always at her beck and call." Her voice dripped with venom. "Just you wait and see what we did to them. Clara's sister is top of the seniors. Every football player is after them now. Even that stupid girl with the ugly glasses isn't going to get away from those idiots."

Camryn? None of those had better touch my sister unless they want to die! Wait, no, one step at a time. Quinn's here, so I need to save her first.

A gap between two girls showed Quinn's face. It was red with anger. Her hands curled into fists as she stepped towards the girls.

"Awe, is wittle Quinney mad?" Ginger teased. "What'cha gonna do about it! Huh? Huh?" She lightly shoved Quinn by her shoulders.

Quinn took another step. The moment her foot hit the ground, she went into a full-on run, and I must say, never have I seen a person run so fast.

Ginger's clawed hand shot out, scratching Quinn's arm as she ran by. The cut was deep, and I became furious. Quinn fell down, holding her arm, and I stepped out towards the girls. I picked up Quinn and rocked her in one arm. In the other I grabbed Ginger's hair.

"Ow!" She cried. "Stop! It hurts!"

"You're all coming with me," I ordered. The girls all whimpered and one even cried as we went to the office. I didn't care, they deserved to be scared for hurting my sister. I kept my hand gripped tight on Ginger's hair. Sometimes I would tighten it if I heard Quinn sniffling or whimpering.

In the office I ordered them to sit, then carried Quinn to Mrs. Sanchez, the secretary. "I'm taking Quinn to the nurse, since Ginger over there scratched her. I might come back with a few high schoolers; it depends on if they were lying or not."

Mrs. Sanchez nodded and watched us leave. I carried Quinn to the nurse in silence. I kept my eye out for any seniors, but never saw them.

When I sat Quinn down in the nurse's office, she left the kid getting his fever check immediately. She grabbed bandages and a spray bottle, then went rapid fire with her questions.

"A girl did it," I said calmly. "She clawed Quinn's arm. Can you take care of her until I come back?"

The nurse nodded and started to treat Quinn's arm. Poor fever boy didn't look so good, but I was glad Quinn was getting treatment first. I gave Quinn's forehead a kiss before leaving.

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