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Quinn winced. Her hands gripped at the side of the tub until her knuckles turned white.

"I'm sorry, Quinn," I said. "I know it hurts, please just try and bare with it." She gave a small nod in response. "Thank you. You're so brave for me. I'm so proud of you, Quinn." I continued whispering gentle assurances to my sister to help her relax.

We were in the bathroom trying to change her bandages. It was more difficult than I had thought it would be. Mom had made it seem so easy. Then again, she is a nurse. I felt confident, though, since I'd watched mom do it plenty of times.

Not even just with Quinn, some of the other foster kids before her had to get bandages changed. None of them were ever as young as Quinn, though. They were teens. They were all boys too. I've never once had a foster sister.

I like it, though, she's a lot kinder than some of the other kids. It was rare to find one, but a few always had angry looks. They acted like we were the bad guys.

Quinn wasn't like that, though, she seemed happy that someone even cared about her. Quinn never seemed angry with us, even if we did something that would normally make a person upset; she would just shrug or say she was sorry. There were a lot of good kids too, they were kind and grateful like her. But Quinn just seemed different from those kids, I'm not really sure why.

She had tried to bandage herself on her own, but failed miserably. Mom and dad weren't home, so I had to do it myself. I had her sit on the tub and slowly worked my way through her wounds. She was tense and would jump every time I touched her. She seemed really scared, and, no matter how much I tried to get her to relax, it just wasn't working well.

"Okay," I whispered. "I'm going to put some more burn cream on." She nodded and closed her eyes. I put the clear gel on my hands and gently touched her back.

I was starting to become worried about Quinn. You could see her spine now. Her arms were thin, and her thighs had been shrinking too. I knew some people had thigh gaps, but I also knew there was a point somebody reaches before the gap is too large. I understand that she doesn't like to eat, but she has to at some point. If she doesn't start soon, there will be more problems than just weight loss.

That's not even half of her body's issues, though. Her torso to her shoulders had been given second degree burns. Many spots had blistered, and some had even become scars. No matter how you look at it, her back was a mess. Her arms were too, and even a part of her neck. Because of that, she needed to change her bandages every two nights. Normally mom helped her, but, like I said, she wasn't here.

Quinn winced at the slight touch but didn't have me stop. I gently rubbed it on her back, trying to avoid the open wounds, then wrapped the bandages around her.  That seemed like the most painful part. I'm guessing it's because the bandages are so tight, and they don't come off.

When I finished she looked back at me with bloodshot eyes. Tears were still falling down her cheeks. She sniffled and wiped at her nose. Just the sight of the poor girl would be enough to make a grown man cry.

Her story was written in her wounds.

"I'm sorry Quinn," I whispered, putting her shirt back over her. "It's all over now." She nodded and I pulled her in for a cautious hug from behind. "I know it hurts, and I really wish it didn't, but please be strong for me, okay?" She nodded. 

Her hands wedged through my grasp and she wiped her tears away. Quinn turned back to me and gave a quick smile, then closed her eyes and leaned on me. Her breathing was slowing and becoming more even.

"You okay?" I asked. She gave a small nod. "Do you want to go rest awhile?" She looked up at me with fearful eyes, fully awake now. "Is that a no?" She nodded. "Okay." I whispered, knowing better than to push. She slowly stood up and walked out of the bathroom. I waited a minute before following after her. I really wish that I could help her sleep, but there isn't anything I can do.

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