Twenty seven-Alex

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When we made it to the cabin, Quinn was still out cold. We knew she would be upset if she missed out on the rest of Christmas, so we woke her up. Everybody aside from Chance and our parents, who were getting the dogs, voted that I should wake her up.

"What? Why me?" I cried.

"Because—although I hate admitting this with a very strong passion—you are her favorite," Camryn explained.

"And I would like to stay that way, thank you very much," I hissed.

"What are you guys doing? Hurry up and get out," Chance said while poking his head into the van.

"Nobody wants to wale her up, but nobody wants to let her sleep, either," Leigh whispered.

"Oh for the love of—you guys get out. I'll wake her up," Chance groaned.

"This is why Chance is my favorite!" I yelled at the others, making Quinn wake up.

"Oh look, he did it," Nora chuckled.

"Quinn, we're here," Camryn whispered, playing with her hair. "Don't you want to get out and go play with the other kids? Lukas is here, you like to play with him, right?"

Quinn sat up and rubbed the sleep form her eyes as she nodded.

I wanted to kick myself for waking her up; although, I was also thanking myself because she was so cute when she was waking up. "Come here, Quinn," I whispered as I scooped her up into my arms. I carried her out of the van and to the cabin with the others following.

It was a huge place, which each family pitched in on paying for. The cabin looked like three large cabins smashed together. It was a nice place, but had all of the cabin aspects. It was made from logs and had those ugly green shutters that matched the green roof. There was a porch swing, but it was covered in snow now. The front door was large double doors made out of some fancy wood. It also had some blood on it from when I shoved Devin and he fell face first into the door. Then Camryn cried because Devin lost his first tooth before her, so she didn't think they were twins anymore. The cabin was on top of a big hill and surrounded by the woods. Sledding down this thing would either get you a concussion or the best ride of your life.

Devin opened the door for us, and Quinn jumped out of my arms to go and hug Lukas from behind. "Quinn!" He cheered while turning around and hugging her back. The two had instantly clicked at Thanksgiving, and now they're inseparable when they see each other.

We all took our bags upstairs to our usual rooms. I had Quinn wait for me to unpack on my bed, since I was going to show her to her room. I was forced into the bottom bunk by Chance, while Adam forced Devin into the other bottom. Such a caring family, I know.

"Which one of the younger guys is going to get the short straw?" Chance asked while putting away a few shirts.

"Mason did last year, so he's exempt," I added in while pulling some random clothes out of my suitcase. Did I forget underwear?

"I think they rig it so Lukas has to win every other year," Devin snorted.

"Well we rigged it on you," Adam said with a smirk his way. "We didn't even play the game for a few years, we just told you that you had to sleep in there."

Devin sighed. "Those were the most traumatizing Christmases"

"The other boys were thankful," Chance chuckled.

Quinn tugged at my sleeve and gave me a curious look when I turned to her. "Oops, sorry Quinn, I keep on thinking that you've always been with us. The boys and girls get their own rooms, except for one boy. He has to sleep in the biggest room with the girls. To keep it fair, we draw straws and whoever gets the shortest has to sleep with you girls. It's awful because the girls just ramble on and on about the latest hot celebrity and try to do the unlucky guy's makeup."

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