Seven-Foster Man

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I was exhausted. Work had taken much longer than it normally had. I figured I'd get in the house and just sleep on the couch.

When I got home Quinn was lying on the couch. Her head was rested in Alex's lap while he stroked her hair. She had her bear clung to her chest tight as she softly cried.

Alex quietly hushed her and whispered sweet nothings. I walked over and bent down to see her. Small tears fell down her cheeks. I took my handkerchief and dabbed at the tears, then wiped her nose.

"Bad dream?" I asked, looking up at my son. Alex nodded and looked down at her pitifully.

"She fell asleep for about ten minutes, then woke up crying. She hasn't stopped since," Alex whispered.

"I'm sorry bud," I whispered back. Alex nodded.

"Quinn," he whispered. "It's alright now." She looked up at Alex with pained eyes.

"I'm sorry" She whimpered. Alex tried calming her, it didn't work very well. Any touch seemed to make her cry more.

"If you're scared then squeeze your bear, Quinn, you'll feel better," Alex whispered.

Quinn sniffled and sobbed as she held her bear. Alex shushed her and pulled her into his arms. He cradled her until she quieted a bit.

When Quinn calmed down, she looked up nervously. She looked scared and pained, a river of tears flowed from her eyes still. Alex put his arms around her and she began to cry harder. "It's okay," Alex lulled. "It was just a dream, it's all over now."

I grabbed Quinn's shoulder, which made her jump again. She turned to me frightfully. Upon realizing who I was, she threw herself into me, throwing her bear to the side. My shirt instantly became wet with her tears, but I didn't mind. She's my child now, I thought. I have to protect her. I stroked her hair until she finally calmed and looked up at me.

"I'm so sorry, baby," I whispered. "It's okay now, I won't let anybody hurt you." She nodded and looked over at her bear. Hesitantly, I let go, and she walked over to the stuffed toy. She grabbed it and clutched it to her chest.

I wrapped an arm around her and led her up the stairs. Alex followed us, holding Quinn's hand all the way up. "Thanks Alex," I whispered. "I know it isn't easy, but we really appreciate your help." Alex nodded with a grin face and went into his room.

"Quinn, do you want to try and lay down again?" I asked. She shook her head no. "Okay, do you want to be left alone for a while?" She nodded. "Okay sweetie, goodnight." I kissed her cheek before walking out of the room and closing the door.

That poor child, her mother chained her down to fear. And these chains are almost impossible to break. Almost.

I slipped into Alex's room and sat beside him on his bed. He kept his back to me. "Hey bud, you still awake?" I asked. Alex slowly nodded. "Listen, I hate having you take care of them like that. I know it's really stressful and maybe even a little scary. I hate that you have to see so much. I'm sorry bud, really, I am."

"She was crying and calling out to her mom," Alex sniffled. "She said she was sorry, she blames herself for what happened. She thinks it's her fault that everything happened. I hate it!" He sat up and punched his pillow, hard.

"I know," I whispered.

"You don't know!" Alex snapped, whipping around to glare at me. "You weren't there, you didn't see the worst of it. She was crying, and yelling, and sweating. She was calling out to her mom, and Sammy, and her grandparents. She apologized to them, she blames herself for everything! I hate this, I hate all of this!" He began to sob and I pulled him closer. He was seventeen, he was still a kid, and yet he had to see so much.

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