Twenty five-Quinn

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When I woke up, Mason was in my room. He was putting another blanket over me, but stopped when he saw me awake.

"Quinn!" He gasped. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up."

I shook my head and sat up, giving him a weak smile. Mason nodded and hugged me, smashing my face in his chest. I began to cough and he pulled away, patting my back. My lungs and throat both hurt from the hard coughing, and drool dribbled down to my chin. I wiped it and looked down in embarrassment.

"I'll go get Nora, you stay in bed," Mason ordered. He jumped up and rushed out of the room.

My face was burning up, and I felt like a cold shower would be amazing. I slipped out of the covers and wobbled to the door. Three doors down on the right side of the hall was the bathroom. I slowly made my way over to it, closing, and locking, the door behind me.

I ran the water in the sink on cold and splashed my feverish face. There was a gentle knock on the door and The Kind Lady called, "Quinn, sweetie are you in there? Please come out, I don't like you being in there alone, there's things in there that could hurt you." I blushed a bit, feeling like she was treating me like a baby.

I turned off the faucet, dried my face, then opened the door. The Kind Lady looked down at me with a worried expression, seeming almost scared.

"Are you okay? What were you doing in there?" She asked. I nodded to answer her first question and looked down. "Is your stomach upset again?" I shook my head no. "Well, let's get you back to bed, okay?"

I nodded and took The Kind Lady's hand. She led me back to the room and had me lay on the bed. She disappeared downstairs for a moment, then came back with some medicine. Sitting down beside me, she handed me the small cup of the purple medicine.

Hesitantly, I put the cup to my lips. I sipped it and swallowed quickly. She took the cup and set it on the table, then reached down to hold my hand.

"Quinn, do you always get this sick?" The Kind Lady asked. I nodded. "Well, what did your Mommy and Daddy do to make you feel better?"

I pointed to my notepad on my desk. The Kind Lady nodded and grabbed it for me, along with a pen. "They cut me some peaches," I wrote.

"Peaches huh? Well I'm sure we have some of those," she mumbled. She gave me a pointed look and said, "You need to stay in bed this time, you hear me? I don't want you passing out again."

I nodded and she stood up to leave. Before she did, I grabbed her arm and opened my mouth to tell her thank you. The Kind Lady watched me intensely as he waited. After hesitating for a while, I closed my mouth and let go. She looked a bit disappointed and sat beside me. Her warm hand stroked my cheek with the back of her fingers and she leaned down to kiss my forehead.

"You don't have to talk," she whispered. "I understand a lot better than the others." The Kind Lady stood up again and walked to the door. "You don't have to thank me, either," she said before she left. "It's my job after all."

How did she know?

I watched the lady walk down the steps, my eyes never leaving her. How did she know what I was going to say? Was she psychic?

I decided to rename her to: the Psychic Lady.

When the Psychic Lady came back he had a fever pad. She pulled off the white film and gently placed the gel pad on my forehead. "Feel good?" She asked. I nodded as the cool pad began to help my fever. It felt amazing on my warm face, and worked much better than splashing myself with water.

I laid back and closed my eyes, a tiny smile on my face. The Psychic Lady chuckled and tossed the trash into the wastebasket beside my desk.

"Hey, she alright," Alex asked from the doorway.

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