Q/A answers

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Heyo! Sorry, I figured it was better to wait a few days for the Q/A. Now I'm back and ready to answer your questions! But first... thank you guys! <3 thanks for waiting on this stupidly selfish girl, and for all of your sweet comments that just make everything sooo much better!

I'm sorry that I can't give you an update today, but hopefully tomorrow I'll be better enough to give you guys another chapter. I already kinda have it figured out, and have slowly been making it throughout the last few days. Right now it's kind of like an empty house, and the details are all of the furniture I need to move in. Little warning: it's a quite a tear-jerker, but very crucial to the story.

Anywho... here's the answers!

Q: How long is the book?

A: Originally, it was going to be 30 chapters, but now I'm thinking 35-40 (not including the prologue). I have the last chapter written out already so I guess I really could end the story at any time, but I think I have a few things I want to add before wrapping it all up.

Q: Will there be a spin-off (romance?)

A: Honestly, I don't think it's a good idea. When I tell you Sam's story at the end of TSSS, you'll understand why it isn't a good idea to make a romance novel out of this subject. (Also it would be hard to make a ship name out of Quinn and Ollie)

Q: If you could describe Quinn in three words what would they be?

A: 1. Quiet 2. Quiet 3. Quiet. Jk jk, I would describe her as childish, heroic, and loyal. Childish because she likes to play games and mess around with the boys (now that she knows it's safe to do it). Heroic, but I'm not spoiling anything. And loyal because she fights for her mom's innocence.

Q: How old are you?

A: I am currently 14 years old, but I'll be 15 August 22

Q: When did you start writing/how long have you been writing?

A: At 12 I started getting into writing, but I found out about Wattpad at 14. So it's been maybe 2 and 1/2 years or so

Q: What inspires you to write, not just this book, but in general?

A: Honestly, reading is my escape from the real world. I love being taken to another place where there's no pressure or pain because the world that I'm in while reading isn't real. I want to give other people an escape like I have, so I write for them.

Q: Do you have some kind of attraction or some type of connection to the main character?

A: Sam and his mom are the only real characters. I never met his mom, but Sam and I had the same social studies class together in sixth grade. I can't say any thing else so I don't ruin anything.

Q: What are your top 3 favorite characters?

A: Quinn, Devin, and Chelsea/Foster Lady (the woman isn't scared to go loco and I LOVE it)

Q: Do you have any siblings?

A: One big brother who's 16 that I'm either hanging out with or strangling, a sister who's 4 and is the sweetest little thing, and a sister who is 2 that I'm scared of, not gonna lie (she's gonna take over the world some day and it won't be good)

A: One big brother who's 16 that I'm either hanging out with or strangling, a sister who's 4 and is the sweetest little thing, and a sister who is 2 that I'm scared of, not gonna lie (she's gonna take over the world some day and it won't be good)

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Q: What's your favorite chapter you've written?

A: probably chapter six because it's when Quinn comes out of her shell more, and has her first real family bonding moment

Q: What's your favorite color?

A: Navy blue or green (biggggggg tomboy so pink is just BARF!)

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