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HOLY TOLITOS BATMAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!THANK YOU GUYS FOR A THOUSAND READS!!! AHHHH <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3

Camryn, Quinn, Alex, and I all sat around and watched T.V. together. I wrapped my arm around Quinn, and laid her head on my chest. She didn't seem to mind it.

Alex, Cam, and I all talked about when Alex's fist basketball game would be. Quinn seemed interested, and looked up at us from her book from time to time. Maybe she likes basketball?

After we decided that Alex was going to be MVP and win the entire game for his team, our conversation drifted into when Nora, Chance, and Leigh would be home. They were our three oldest siblings who were away for college. Mom and Dad like to keep their visits a secret so we can have surprises. That leads us to making bets on who is coming home and when.

"My mowing duty is on Chance coming home for Thanksgiving," I stated boldly.

"I'll take that. And if you lose, you take my dishwashing duty," Alex agreed.

We shook to seal the deal.

Wait, you thought that we bet money? We're high school students, we don't have any money! It's only going to go downhill when we go to college, too. Anyways, what we do is we bet chores.

Quinn tugged at my arm, making me turn to look down at her. She looked so sleepy, but she fought hard. "Who's Chance?" Her notepad wrote. It's really sad that she doesn't remember when we were little, but she was only a baby, so I can't blame her.

"Chance is the oldest," I clarified. "He's off at college right now."

Quinn nodded in understanding before yawning. Smiling, I started to play with her hair. I had a girlfriend in the seventh grade that told me she always fell asleep when somebody played with her hair. I had tried to do it to Camryn, but she's never been a big fan of us touching her, so she kicked me and ran away. I might as well try it on Quinn to get her to sleep.

Quinn quickly pulled away from me and crawled over mine and Camryn's lap so she was between her and Alex. Cam raised a brow at me; meanwhile, Alex just laughed and hugged Quinn to his side.

"Quinn, come back," I whined, dragging out my vowels. I decided to stay playfully, although on the inside I was cursing myself for forcing her away. I was so stupid, and I hated myself for it. If I was smarter, then maybe people would like me more. My parents probably gave me up because I'm so stupid, and then felt obligated to give my twin away too. I'm so stupid, and I ruined Camryn's life with our parents because I'm so dumb. My life will be ruined too when high school is over and I'll get a dead end job as a construction worker or something.

Stupid! Useless! Idiot!  Those words were being screamed at me in my head.

"Nah, she's my girl," Alex said cheekily as he kissed the top of her head. I rolled my eyes and we went back to watching T.V., my mood changing to what I really felt on the inside. Cam and Alex shared a look, but said nothing.

"I'm going to bed," Camryn whispered after another hour. "Goodnight."

"Night," I muttered. Quinn just gave a sleepy wave.

"I think I'll join you," Alex grunted as he sat up. "Goodnight you two."

I nodded and Quinn waved. She then crawled back to me and I wrapped my arm around her so I could pull her into my side again. She snuggled into me, but swatted my hand away when I tried to do my trick again. I mentally kicked myself for it. Stupid idiot. I can't do anything right.

Alex smiled at the sight of us cuddling, and made sure to kiss the top of her head as he passed by. Camryn copied him, but also said goodbye to her little stuffed bear as well and with a blush kissed my cheek.

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