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Abi's P.O.V.

After a few minutes his soft snores filled the room, I carefully and gently laid him down and covered him with a blanket before getting up. I took a deep breath before stepping out of Clint's room and I slowly made my way towards the living room. I felt my heart start to beat quicker and I stopped, taking a few deep breaths as I closed my eyes to calm myself down. After a few minutes my heart rate was back to normal and I stepped into the living room where I found Bruce and Steve sat on the couch, Thor was in the kitchen making pop tarts and hadn't noticed me come in.

"Abi!" Steve said as he jumped up from the couch.

Bruce followed after him and I could see he was looking me up and down to check for any injuries.

"I'm fine Bruce, I took care of myself whilst I was away, I didn't get hurt." I told him.

"Sorry, force of habit." He said, rubbing the back of his neck.

"You have finally returned." Thor announced.

I smiled and nodded as he took a seat on the couch with his plateful of pop tarts.

"Tony told me about Clint, I couldn't just leave him like that. He has lost quite a bit of weight." I said sadly.

"That's because he hasn't eaten a single thing since you left, but hopefully now that you're back he might finally eat." Steve said.

I nodded sadly but I perked up when an idea popped into my head, Bruce looked at me sceptically, knowing I was forming some sort of plan.

"We need pizza, Clint loves it." I said with a smile.

"Well it is almost time for lunch and I'm definitely down for pizza." Steve said and the other two agreed.

Tony and Natasha walked in just as Steve pulled out his phone, he looked up at them and smiled.

"We're ordering pizza, do you want anything?" He asked them.

Steve called the pizza place and ordered seven pizzas, one for each of us. Just under an hour later the pizzas arrived, I took a plain cheese one for myself and a pepperoni for Clint. I knocked on his door then opened it to see he was still asleep, I didn't want to wake him especially after he had gone five days without sleep. I placed his pizza box on the nightstand next to his bed before taking a seat at the end of his bed. As soon as I opened my pizza box Clint woke up, he must have smelt it, and his stomach rumbled loudly.

"I got you a pepperoni pizza." I said, pointing to the box next to him.

He pulled it onto his lap and flipped the lid open, I saw a smile spread across his face as he lifted a slice out of the box.

"Don't eat too much too quickly or y-" I started but I didn't get chance to finish my sentence before he had demolished the first slice.

He started on the second slice and finished that within seconds as well. He picked up a third slice but dropped it back into the box before moving the box off of his lap. I saw his face contort as he got up, making a bee line for the bathroom and I quickly followed after him, knowing exactly what was about to happen. He hunched over the toilet and started throwing up, I took a seat on the edge of the bath tub next to him and rubbed his back to try and ease the discomfort. After a minute or so he stopped being sick and rested his head in my lap as I stroked his hair repeatedly.

"I tried to warn you, after going five days without food you can't just expect to be able to go straight back to eating loads of food. Your stomach would have shrunk slightly and so you have to eat small amounts of food, and slowly, otherwise you will throw up." I said.

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