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Abi's P.O.V.

The week we spent at the farm was amazing, it felt like we were a nice normal family for once rather than a dad who is an avenger, a mutant mom with fire powers and two twins stuck in the middle. The twins adored the dogs and we took them out on walks around the land almost everyday, they absolutely loved the farm and I couldn't wait for them to grow up here. It wasn't long until we'd be moving out here permanently and I couldn't wait; I'd always preferred the countryside to the busy city, there was too much going on in the city.

"Maybe we should hire someone to come everyday and feed the dogs and horses until we move up here, it would be easier and more stable for them rather than moving them between here and Chloe's farm every time we're around." Clint said as we were packing our suitcases again.

"That's a good idea, maybe we can ask Chloe to put out an ad somewhere and she can interview them or whatever to make sure we can trust them." I said.

"They're feeding the dogs and horses, not guarding our life's earnings." He chuckled.

"I know, but I still need someone here that's trustworthy, I don't want just anyone coming onto our property; you never know what they could do." I said.

"Fair enough, I'll speak to her about it when we get back to Manhattan, we need to get going before the twins get restless in their car seats." He said.

We loaded the twins into the truck and put the suitcases into the back before setting off, I rested my head back and tried to get some sleep before we got back, I hadn't slept well last night and I was planning on making up for it. I slept for almost the entire journey, other than when we stopped for dinner, and Clint woke me up just as we pulled into the garage, the twins were both asleep in their car seats but that was probably due to it being 9pm already. We stepped into the elevator and I couldn't believe my eyes when we stepped out on the main floor; the others had actually done a really good job of putting up the Christmas decorations.

"Damn, they did a good job." Clint said, looking around.

"Not as good as you though babe." I said, making him smile.

We put the twins into their beds before making our way to our own room, today had been a long day and we were both ready to just crash out for the night, so it's exactly what we did.

*Time skip 8 days*

My eyes slowly opened and I jumped a little when I saw Clint hovering over me with a grin on his face.

"Merry Christmas my love." He said with a smile.

"Merry Christmas Clint." I said, craning my neck to press my lips to his.

"Come on." He said, pulling me out of bed and dragging me to the living room.

The others were all sat around on the couches and the floor, Tony had Maddy on his lap and Sam was holding Axel, Clint sat down on the couch and I sat on his lap as Nat stood up to start handing her gifts out. The whole process took almost 2 hours; there was a few more of us this year so that meant a lot more gifts, not that I was complaining; I loved Christmas here, it was like we were a proper family, something I didn't really experience growing up. Since moving into the tower, I've experienced what it's like to have a real family and be surrounded by people who love you, and it's something I'll cherish forever. It was going to be so weird when we move to the farm, I'd gotten so used to living with everyone and it's going to take some getting used to when I'm not around them all the time.

"Bruce and I are cooking Christmas dinner this year." Steve announced when everyone had opened their gifts.

Everyone started to get up from their seats but I quickly stopped them, having one final gift, sort of, to give to everyone before we all took our things back to our rooms.

"Stay where you are, there's something I need to say." I said, quickly getting up and standing in front of everyone.

Clint was frowning at me, a confused look on his face as he tried to figure out what was going on, the others all looked quite confused as well, other than Tony who was sat grinning at me like a Cheshire cat.

"I was going to wait to tell everyone about this but I just couldn't wait any longer, I've known for a while and I've never been too good at keeping secrets, especially from you guys. This absolutely terrifies me but I'm also super excited, and I hoped you guys will be too, although I know it's going to take a little more adjusting. Clint can you come up here please?" I asked him and now he looked even more confused than before, if that's even possible.

He slowly got up off of the couch and walked over to me, looking confused as hell and I couldn't help but chuckle at the expression on his face. I took his hands in mine and interlaced our fingers as I started to get nervous, what if they all freaked out? Or even worse, what if just Clint freaked out?

"What did you want to tell us?" Clint asked softly.

"Well uh... I found something out a couple of weeks ago and I've been trying to figure out a way to tell everyone but I haven't come up with anything, at least I hadn't until I thought what better way that Christmas? I had planned to tell you in private but last time you screamed your head off and everyone found out in a matter of seconds so I thought I had might as well tell you in front of everyone. I uh... well I had might as well just come right out and say it... I'm pregnant, due in July." I said and his eyes widened.

"You're... you're pregnant?" He asked and I nodded.

His face instantly broke out in a smile and he lifted me up and spun me around as the others all cheered and clapped, I was happy that they all took the news so well. I was still worried though, especially since we weren't going to have moved to the farm by then so I wasn't sure how we were going to fit all 5 of us in unless we moved a few floors down but that's a lot of hassle. I was pulled out of my thoughts when Clint kissed me, I couldn't help but smile into the kiss; our family was growing and I couldn't be any happier than I was now.

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