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Abi's P.O.V.

My Grandpa's voice came out of the speakers and I cried harder when I heard his voice; I missed him so much and I just wished he and my grandma could've been here today.

"Are you gonna sing with me Abi?" My grandpa asked.

"No grandpa." I said with a childish giggle, embarrassed even by the thought of singing in front of him.

"Okay." He said, and I remember the smile he had on his face when he said that.

He began to sing along to 'He Walked On Water' by Randy Travis, my grandpa loved Randy Travis and this was my favourite song that he used to play. We used to sing it together but I knew my grandma was listening this time so I didn't want to sing, I didn't know she was recording at the time though. I sobbed onto Tony's shoulder as I listened to him singing, he always had such an amazing singing voice, I used to tell him he should do it professionally but he would always tell me the same thing; the farm needed him.

"Where did you get this?" I asked him through the tears.

"Martha and Robert gave it to me." He said softly as we swayed to the music.

Not too long later, Steve stepped in and we began dancing to the music, it was nice to spend time with him for once; it felt like I hadn't seen him in ages. By the end of the song I had danced with Tony, Steve, Bruce, Thor and Robert, and whilst I was dancing with Robert I thanked him for giving Tony the tape.

"You're more than welcome." Robert said with a smile as Clint walked over.

"My beautiful wife." He said softly as he wrapped his arms around me.

As another song began to play, everyone made their way onto the dance floor and we all danced along to the next few songs, the entire time I couldn't wipe the smile from my face; this was one of the best days of my life.

"Okay, we're going to play a little game now so if everyone can clear the dance floor and I want the bride and groom sat on chairs in the middle with their back to each other. Both of you take your shoes off, keep one and give the other one to the other person, we're going to play the wedding shoe game; Steve and I are going to read out questions and you put the shoe up for the person you think the answer is." Tony explained and Clint and I nodded to show we understand.

"Right, first question; who is the better chef?" Steve asked and instantly both of our hands shot up, I looked over to see we had both chosen the same; him.

"Who is the better dancer?" Tony asked, and we both chose him again, making the room chuckle.

"Who is the most stubborn?" Steve asked, my hand shot straight up and Clint decided a few seconds later but we both chose the same person; me.

"Who snores the loudest?" Tony asked and we both chose the other person.

"I do not snore thank you very much." I said.

"Keep telling yourself that babe." Clint said, making everyone laugh.

The game continued like that, they asked questions about all sorts of things; who is more romantic, who is the pickier eater, who wakes up first, who takes up most of the bed, etc. But the final question they asked stumped me, it had been so long that it took me a minute to remember.

"And, finally, who said I love you first?" Tony asked with a smirk.

Neither one of us was quick at answering this one, we both took a little while to think about it but it seemed we both remembered at the same time; it was me. It was the day after he had ditched me in the park and been to the strip club, we were arguing and he kissed me before I admitted my feelings to him. I couldn't help but smile a little as I recalled the memory, I had been so scared before then whenever I even thought about telling him how I felt but then, in the heat of the moment, I blurted it out and he said it back to me too. When the game was over, everyone made their way back onto the dance floor or over to the bar, and I was talking to Agent Coulson when Pepper came up to me.

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