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Abi's P.O.V.

When we got back from the mall after buying all of Clint's Christmas presents, Tony kept looking at me and smiling, in the end I dragged him into the elevator.

"If you keep looking at me like that then you're going to let the others know that something is going on!" I said.

"I'm sorry, I'm just so excited for the two of you, this is amazing." He said with a smile.

"I'm glad you think so, I'm just hoping Clint thinks that too." I said with a sigh.

"He will, I know it, now I need you to come with me." He said, pulling me into the lab.

"What's going on?" I asked quickly.

"Well I know I'm a bit of a dick to her sometimes but she's put up with me for this long and there's nobody else I can see myself with in the future so I want to ask Pepper to marry me." He said.

"Oh my god!" I practically screamed.

"Keep your voice down!" He hissed.

"Sorry, I'm just so happy for you! I can already picture it now, she's going to be so excited, when are you planning on popping the question?" I asked, making him chuckle.

"Either Christmas or New Year's Eve, I haven't quite decided yet but I need you to help me choose a ring." He said.

"Of course, I'd love to!" I said with a grin.

"Great, now please don't say a word about this to anyone, even Clint." He said.

"My lips are sealed Tony, just make sure you do the same with what I told you earlier." I said.

"Deal." He said and shook my hand.

"You're so cool, calm and collected when it comes to missions and building suits but as soon as Pepper is involved, you completely freak out." I said with a chuckle.

"I've screwed up so many times with her and somehow she continues to find it in her to forgive me, I just don't want to fuck this or anything else up anymore." He said, running a hand through his hair.

"It's going to be fine Tony, I have no doubt that she'll say yes." I said, making him smile.

"Thank you Abi." He said.

"Let me know if you need help with anything else." I said.

"Will do." He said with a smile.

I gave him a nod before heading back to the elevator and making my way back up to the main floor, when I stepped out the others were all watching a movie on the couch so I decided to join them, cuddling into Clint's side when I sat down.

"Where'd you disappear off to?" He whispered.

"Tony needed help with something in the lab." I said.

"What did he need?" He asked.

"He just wanted me to give my opinion on Pepper's Christmas gift." I whispered extremely quietly so only he could hear.

"What did he get her?" He asked.

"I'm sworn to secrecy." I said with a grin, making him chuckle.

"God you're such a dork." He said.

"A dork that you love." I said.

"That I do." He said, kissing the top of my head.

We finished watching the movie and it was already close to dinner time so Steve and Bruce decided to make something for all of us, so that we could all eat a proper meal together rather than eating take out all the time.

"Damn it, we don't have enough noodles." Steve said.

"Make something else then." Tony said.

"But we've already started cooking." Bruce said.

"Clint and I can go grab some from the store, it's just around the corner." I offered.

"We can look after the twins." Pepper said.

"Come on then cupid, get your shoes on." I said, he chuckled at my nickname and just shook his head as he got up from the couch.

We wrapped ourselves up in thick coats and I put on a pair of gloves and a hat, it was the middle of December almost and it was freezing; it was probably going to snow in the next couple of days. We walked out of the lobby and out onto the streets hand in hand, we talked the entire way there and back about the most random of things and I couldn't help but smile; the little things like this meant just as much as the bigger things in our relationship. The chicken stir fry that Steve and Bruce made for everyone was amazing, even the twins enjoyed it and they're usually quite fussy when it came to things like that. It was quite late when we had all finished eating so I got up ready to take the twins and get them ready for bed but Clint stopped me, telling me he'd do it tonight.

"You relax for a change, you're always on your feet doing something." He said, kissing my cheek before taking the twins to the nursery.

I sat and talked with the others for what only felt like a few minutes but was actually just over an hour, I checked my phone and realised Clint had been gone for a while.

"I'm going to check on Clint, make sure the twins haven't got him in a twist." I said and the others chuckled.

I opened the nursery door and found the twins in their beds fast asleep, a frown formed on my face; where the hell had he gone? I went next door to our room and found him sat on the edge of the bed.

"Clint?" I said.

"Are you going to leave me?" He asked, his voice breaking.

"Where the hell did you get that idea from?" I asked quickly.

"Are you?" He asked again.

"No Clint, of course not." I said.

"But I'm so much older than you and you could easily trade me in for someone younger and better looking." He said, getting angry.

"I only want you, I don't want anyone else." I said.

"That's a lie! Why the hell would you stay with me when you could have anyone?" He yelled.

We continued arguing, him yelling at me and me trying to calm him down, but in the end I'd had enough of it; I as tired and wanted to go to bed.

"I don't know what has made you think like this but it's not true and I don't know what to say to make you believe me." I said, getting up.

I grabbed my pillows and a spare blanket from our closet before walking out, and it broke my heart that he didn't even try to stop me. What the hell had he seen or had someone said to him? I trudged to the elevator and made my way down to Tony's lab, curling up on the new couch he had just added thanks to me. I fell asleep wondering how the hell it had gone so wrong in such a short amount of time. 

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