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Abi's P.O.V.

"Oh my god, did you hear that?" I shrieked.

"Her first word! But who taught her that? I haven't heard you saying that to her." Tony said.

"I'll explain later!" I said as I ran to my bedroom.

I sat on the edge of my bed with Maddy on my lap as I video called Clint, after a few rings he picked up and both he and Sam had big grins on their faces.

"I take it the game is going well?" I asked.

"Yeah, we are winning 24-4 at the moment!" Sam said happily.

"Is everything alright?" Clint asked me.

"It's amazing, but listen to this. Maddy, who is that?" I asked.

She stayed silent and Clint frowned as I tried to get her to talk again.

"Maddy, look who it is." I said, pointing to Clint's face.

"Dada!" She said happily, clapping her hands.

"Oh my god!" Clint screamed.

"I'll get Jarvis to send you the footage of when she said it first, this little lady has gotten me in a lot of trouble." I said with a chuckle.

"How?" Clint asked with a grin.

"Well Tony came home early from their mission because he has a broken wrist, I had Maddy in my arms when I found him and he asked where Sam was. I told him that he was at the football game and Tony asked who Sam had gone with, I froze and Maddy decided that was a good time to say her first words." I said and Clint chuckled.

"That's my little mischief maker." He said.

"Well, I just wanted you to hear her say it and to let you know that Tony was back, I'm going to put Maddy to bed and go tell him that you're back. I'll see you later, I love you." I said to him.

"I love you too." He said before the screen went black.

I carried Maddy back to the nursery, being careful not to wake her as she had only fallen asleep a few minutes ago, and put her down in her crib. Tony was still in the kitchen when I went back, he was eating a grilled cheese sandwich at the table when I found him.

"That looks so good." I said, my mouth watering instantly at the smell of it.

"I can make you one if you'd like." He offered.

"Yes please." I said, my appetite taking over.

Once he had finished his, he got up and began making me one, it only took a few minutes and when he had made it we both took a seat at the table. I sat and ate my grilled cheese sandwich whilst he scrolled through his phone but one I finished he put his phone down and a serious expression took over his features.

"So who taught Maddy that word?" Tony asked.

"Please don't be mad." I started.

"You saying that means that I'm probably going to be mad." He said with a frown.

"Well, I went to Massachusetts to get Clint back but, before you have a heart attack, I didn't go alone." I told him quickly.

"Who did you go with?" He demanded.

"I took Sam with me, Rhodey stayed here with the twins whilst we were gone, and we were gone for barely 24 hours." I said.

"The whole reason behind you waiting for us to get back was so that you had people with you that could protect you!" He said, raising his voice a little.

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