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Abi's P.O.V.

"I can't believe we've actually done it." I said, looking around the farm that now had animals roaming the land, just like I remember it.

"The twins are enjoying the chickens." He said with a chuckle, pointing over to where Axel and Maddy were chasing the chickens and trying to pick them up.

Walker was sat on the porch with sat beside him like a guard dog, the second we bought all of the children back, each dog sort of made their own special bond with one of them. and Axel were the best of friends, much like and Maddy, I was worried the dogs wouldn't take to them very well or vice versa but they all adore each other. Diesel sleeps on the floor beside Walkers crib and Tucker and Murphy sleep at the end of the twins beds, I still remember the first time I found all of them like that. It was almost Walker's first birthday so we had invited the others over and we were going to have a little get together. When I mentioned it to Chloe she said she would be there no matter what; she absolutely adored Walker and although she denied it, I knew he was her favourite. We took all of the kids to her and Alex's wedding and they caused havoc but it was still such an amazing day, apart from when Axel almost made their cake topple over. I couldn't help but chuckle out loud at the memory, making Clint give me a weird look which then made me laugh even more.

"You sound like you're going crazy." He said with a chuckle.

"I was just thinking about Chloe's wedding, mainly Axel and the cake." I explained and he laughed too.

"God that boy is going to cause us so much trouble, too much time spent with Tony I say." Clint said.

"More like he's too much like his dad." I said, making him grin.

"I suppose there is that as well." He said.

I just chuckled and shook my head at him, he could be such a kid sometimes but I wouldn't change him for the world; he was my childish husband and I loved him more than anything. The twins both had his features; the light brown hair and the piercing blue eyes, but so far got his height from me and was paler than Maddy, whilst was already really tall for her age and tanned like Clint. though, he had blonde hair, which could've come from either of us as we were both blonde as kids, and he had Clint's eye colour too but everyone claimed he looked a lot like me compared to the twins. I suppose I know what they mean; he has the same shaped eyes and nose, and the same round face shape but that could all change as he gets older. He had my powers too and I hated myself for that, I didn't want to pass that burden onto any of them yet I still did, but Tony and Bruce made him a little bracelet that controls his powers and he can't take it off. Clint and I walked over and took a seat on the porch swing, I cuddled into his side and let out a content sigh; this life was everything I had ever dreamed of and more.

"I can't believe we're actually here, I dreamed of a life like this and now I've got it, it just feels surreal." I said with a smile.

"I know, it's amazing and I'm happy here, with you and the kids there's nothing more that I could ask for." He said, kissing my forehead.

"The twins are already 2 and Walker is almost 1, where has the time gone? I wish I could just freeze us all as we are now so we could just live forever." I said, making him chuckle.

"I know, time has flown, but I can't wait for them to get a bit bigger so they can learn to ride the horses and play sport and go to school! There's so much more for us to experience and we have so many years to experience it. This life is one I never thought I'd have, when I joined SHIELD I thought that was it for me, I was either going to die out on a mission or have to retire and just live by myself. I never imagined myself getting married and having kids, I dreamed of it but I never thought it would happen, never in a million years did I image my dreams would become a reality and I'm so happy they did." He said.

"Aww, look at you getting all cheesy on me." I said, making him laugh.

"You started it." He said, pulling me into his chest.

"I love you." I said with a smile.

"I love you too." He said, kissing the top of my head.

We put the kids to bed and stayed out there on the porch swing until the sun set, deciding to head inside as there's was a bit of a chill in the air. I fell asleep that night with a smile on my face, as I had done every night since we had been here; I was finally living the life I'd always dreamed of, with my children and my husband by my side and no stress of him going on missions anymore.

*time skip a few days*

"Is everything ready?" I asked Clint when he got off the phone to Chloe.

"Yeah, they've got room for Steve, Nat and Bruce, and Sam, Tony and Pepper are staying here; Sam is taking the couch and Pepper and Tony are in the spare room. The party food is ready for everyone and the kids are all on the front porch waiting for the others to arrive." Clint said.

"How long-" I started.

I was interrupted by the screams of Maddy yelling 'Uncle Tony!' and the thundering of little feet across the dusty drive.

"Never mind, question answered." I said with a chuckle.

Clint interlocked our hands as we walked out onto the front porch, the twins had already reached the others whilst Walker was still a bit wobbly on his feet and was toddling towards them but Sam quickly rushed over and whisked him off his feet.

"Unc' Sam!" Walker said, happily clapping his hands.

I grinned at the two of them, they had such a great bond; Sam called as much as he could, which was usually daily, to talk to Walker, or listen whilst Walker talked gibberish to him. 'Uncle Sam', or 'Unc Sam' as Walker says, was his third word after momma and dada and Tony was not happy but the twins kept him sweet. Maddy was definitely 'Uncle Tony's' girl, he adored her and she adored him, I think Tony's childish nature made it easy for the two of them to become the best of friends. Axel was obsessed with Bruce though, whenever Bruce was around Axel followed him like a lost puppy, Bruce was worried at first because of Hulk but they soon became buddies and Axel enjoyed watching him do his experiments.

"Abi." Pepper greeted me with a smile and pulled me into a hug.

"How have you been?" I asked.

"I've been going mad without you at the tower, if Nat isn't around I'm the only woman there stuck with all the guys, and Tony is driving me mad." She said, making me chuckle.

"Nothing new there then." Clint said.

Chloe's truck pulled up beside the van that Tony had driven here, Chloe got out and scooped Walker out of Sam's arms and started fussing over him.

"Alex." Clint said, walking over to him.

Since we'd moved up here permanently, the two of them had become good friends which was good for me as it meant I got to spend more time with Chloe.

"Everyone, let's head inside, there's food!" I yelled, knowing everyone would come rushing at the mention of food, especially Clint and the twins.

We all made our way inside, Clint had to borrow a table and extra chairs from Chloe so that there was enough room for everyone to sit down. We all took our seats and I ended up between Pepper and Clint with Walker sat almost between Clint and I in his high chair whilst the twins sat next to Tony and Bruce.

"So have you guys set a date for the wedding yet?" I asked Pepper as everyone started eating.

"We want to try and do it later this year or the beginning of next year by my birthday." She said.

"That's great, have you looked at any venues?" I asked.

"A few, but we're trying to find somewhere discreet so that the media won't find out." She said with a sigh.

We talked for a little while about the wedding before Clint decided it was time for cake, we all sang happy birthday to Walker before we dug into the chocolate cake I made. The rest of the day was amazing; I had missed the others terribly but I hadn't realised quite how badly I had missed them until they arrived. We spent the three days they stayed doing things together, trying to make the most of spending time together before they had to leave, and when they did have to finally go I couldn't help but shed a few tears.

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