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Abi's P.O.V.

We all sprinted towards the institute for infectious diseases, as we got close the garbage truck hit one of the barricades an flipped, taking down the concrete arch. Two large orange trucks drove in and out of the back jumped at least two dozen guys dressed in all black with gas masks on, it was then that I realised this wasn't going to be as easy as I had previously thought. They shot some sort of gas into the building before a handful of them entered whilst some of them stood watch outside, bad idea. Steve jumped in and took four guys out in a matter of seconds, I stood in awe as I watched it until I was pulled from my trance by someone shooting at me. I dived behind one of the trucks as I took of my ring and necklace, feeling the fire start to burn inside of me. I shot a fireball at the guy who was shooting me, sending him flying backwards against the building.

"I make seven hostiles." Steve announced.

I watched as Sam flew up onto the roof, I heard the sound of bullets hitting metal before Sam appeared a the edge of the roof.

"I make five." He said, making me grin.

Wanda floated in as her hands had red glowing orbs on them, she lifted a guy up with her powers and Sam flew in, knocking him to the ground.

"Four." Sam said as he stalked towards the building.

We regrouped but Nat was still nowhere to be seen, I was trying my best to hide the fact that I was freaking out but it wasn't easy since my hands had started to glow orange as the fire prepared to flow out of me.

"Rumlow's on the third floor." Sam announced.

"Wanda, just like we practised." Steve said as he looked as though he was preparing to run at one of the vans.

"What about the gas?" She asked.

"Get it out." Steve ordered as he ran at the van.

He jumped up and Wanda lifted him as he burst through one of the windows.

"I think I'll take the stairs." I said as I ran inside.

I took out a few guys on the way, sending them flying backwards with my fireballs as they landed in a pile of flames. I heard a few crashes and gunshots coming from above me, I sprinted up the staircase and quickly took cove behind one of the pillars, Steve hadn't seen me and neither had the attackers and I used that to my advantage. I stepped out from behind the pillar and let out a scream as I filled the back half of the room with flames, burning the guys to death. I held back a choked sob at the thought of it, this sort of thing definitely wasn't for me; I didn't want to kill people, even if they were the bad guys.

"Thanks." Steve said quickly before running off.

I followed Steve into the lab but my eyes went wide when I saw it was empty and one of the cabinets was missing it's contents.

"Rumlow has a biological weapon." Steve said through the comms.

This was not good, this really was not good and definitely not what I signed up for.

"I'm on it." Nat said quickly.

I heard the faint sound of a motorbike engine in the distance and knew instantly that Nat had arrived, finally. I heard the sounds of Nat kicking ass then it went quiet for a few seconds before an explosion made my ears ring a little. I sprinted out onto the balcony to see what it was just in time to have a rocket fired at me. Steve jumped in front of me and shoved me back, when I landed I saw him go flying across the room so I quickly scrambled to my feet and ran over to help him. Just as I helped him to his feet, another rocket exploded just behind us and Steve grabbed my hands as he practically dragged me across the room. We dived out of the window, being shot forward by the blast and I landed on the top of a parked truck whilst Steve hit the edge of it then landed on the floor. I winced as I got up and jumped down, landing next to Steve before helping him to his feet again.

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