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Abi's P.O.V.

We parted and I climbed onto the horse as she climbed onto the ATV, I followed her back to the house and struggled to keep up with her but in my defence the horse wasn't quite as fast as the ATV. She parked the ATV whilst I unsaddled the horse, leaving her to roam around the fields, and I intertwined my fingers with Abi's as we walked up onto the porch.

"I think I'm going to sit out here for a while." She said, taking a seat on the porch swing I had set up.

"Okay, I'll bring you out some pancakes when they're ready." I said.

At the mention of 'pancakes', she perked up and her eyes lit up before she nodded her head quickly. I kissed he ran on the forehead before going inside to start making pancakes.

"Did you find her?" Tony asked as I stepped into the kitchen.

"I thought you were taking a nap." I said, shooting him a glare.

"I did, I had a half an hour nap and now I feel great. The others said Abi disappeared and you went to find her, so did you?" Tony asked.

"She's outside on the porch swing." I said as I started getting out the ingredients for pancakes.

"I need to clear things up with her, I didn't mean what I said, I was just tired." He said, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Go ahead, but she's upset about what you said so be prepared." I warned him.

He nodded before walking outside and I started making pancakes for everyone which meant making a ton of batter because we can all eat a ridiculous amount of pancakes. As I was making them I glanced out the window at Abi and Tony, she pulled him into a hug and a small smile played on Tony's lips. At least that's problem was now fixed and we could eat without there being any awkwardness. When they were finished, I placed the mountain of pancakes on the table before calling everyone to eat. Within seconds everyone had surrounded the table, including Tony and Abi, and we all took our seats; I sat between Abi and Tony with Pepper on the other side of Tony and the other four sat opposite us. I had gotten a big enough table to fit 10 people around it, knowing at some point the team would turn up and there were two extra seats just in case.

"There are amazing Clint." Steve said as he tucked into his third pancake and some of the others mumbled their agreements.

"Thanks." I said with a smile.

"You know, if you ever decide to give up being an avenger you should definitely become a chef." Tony said.

"You trying to get rid of me Stark?" I asked playfully.

"You know what I mean." Tony said, shaking his head.

I looked around the table at my family, these people were everything.

*Time skip 15 months*

The past 15 months had been amazing, we'd all had a few little arguments here and there but it was to be expected when we're all so stubborn. As a joint birthday and 1 year anniversary present, Clint had taken me to Paris for a week and it was amazing, I was looking forward to what we were going to do next month for my 21st birthday and our 2 year anniversary. Time had flown by, it hadn't felt like 15 months had passed but it also felt like I'd known the team for a lot longer than almost two years. Tony and I were currently getting along which was lucky, although we'd had more than our fair share of arguments, because I needed to talk to him about throwing Clint a party for his birthday. It was currently the 13th of September and it was Clint's birthday two weeks exactly, on the 27th, and I wanted to throw him a big party but I needed Tony's help.

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