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Abi's P.O.V.

Driving was the bane of my life, but if it meant I could see Clint and fix things with him then I'd drive to the moon and back again if I had to. I left the farm an hour ago, thankfully Chloe agreed to look after the puppies for the weekend and I told her I'd be back on Monday but I just wanted to spend this evening, tomorrow and Sunday with Clint to sort things out with him. I didn't realise me coming to the farm would make him so mad that he would ignore me for 10 days so I needed to talk to him about it and figure out what was going on with him. The day before I left, new years eve, was absolutely amazing and so was the morning of new years day but all it took was less than a minute for everything to be flipped upside down.

"Hey Jarvis, where are the others?" I asked when I finally pulled into the garage and got out of Tony's car.

"Good evening Miss Gilbert, I'm afraid they aren't here, they all left about an hour ago." Jarvis said.

"Do you know where they went?" I asked hopefully.

"I believe Mr Barton spoke about The Luxe when they were leaving." Jarvis said.

"A nightclub? What the hell are they doing there? Thanks Jarvis!" I said before climbing back into the car.

I sped towards the nightclub, following the map on my phone and as soon as I pulled up outside, the music shook the car from how loud it was. I ducked past one of the bouncers, telling him I was here with Tony Stark, before rushing inside to try and find the others. I spotted Steve and Bruce sat at the bar drinking what looked like Coca-Cola and I walked towards them whilst still scanning the room for the others. Nat and Tony were out on the dance floor, dancing with random strangers and they were very obviously both drunk. Well that's 4 out of 5 so where the hell could Clint be? As I got about 10 feet away from Steve and Bruce my eyes finally landed on Clint and the two brunettes that were all over him, but the worst part was that he seemed to be enjoying it. He started kissing one of them whilst the other continued to attack his neck and that was it for me, I turned on my heel and walked away.

"Abi?" Someone called from behind me but I didn't stop to see who it was.

I all but ran out of the door and jumped into the car before speeding off, I didn't want to go back to the tower so I just drove around for a while. Soon, the cliff that Steve had taken me up on his Harley came into view so I drove up it, parking before climbing out and taking a seat on the edge like I had before. Tears streamed down my face as I stared up at the black, star filled night sky, using all my strength and will power to stop myself from screaming as anger and hurt bubbled up inside of me. How the hell could he do that to me? He asked me to marry him a few months ago and I'm carrying his babies but that obviously means nothing to him as he kissed that girl. I know we had a small argument before I left but that wasn't enough to warrant him going and kissing someone else, was it? For some reason my grandma came to mind as one of the stars in the sky twinkled above me and a small smile played on my lips for a second of two.

"Grandma, I know you're up there watching over me with grandpa and I hope I'm doing you both proud but right now I don't know what to do. The love of my life has cheated on me, I think, is kissing someone else cheating? It must be, but this is my first relationship and I don't know what people class as cheating anymore, it must have been so much more easier when you were younger and in love. The lines weren't as grey or blurred as they are nowadays, people cheat so often now everyone thinks being loyal is a good trait rather than something you should just be. But anyway, I'm missing you both and it hurts everyday, especially to think you weren't able to meet Clint and that you won't meet your great grandchildren." I said sadly, resting a hand on top of my bump.

I took a deep breath and looked back up at the stars before talking again.

"If someone walked past now they'd probably think I was crazy, talking to the stars but I know you're up there and I'm hoping you can hear what I'm saying." I started.

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