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Clint's P.O.V.

"Right, I'm going to need you guys to leave now, the twins need their rest but you're more than welcome to come back tomorrow. Visiting hours are 9am-8pm, but mom and dad can visit a little earlier and a little later of course although right now I need everyone out so the twins get enough rest on their first night." The nurse said to us.

Abi looked over at their incubators sadly before following everyone else out, it broke my heart to see her so sad but I was just thankful that her and both of the twins pulled through. The nurses said that as long as they make it through the night then they have a pretty high chance of surviving despite how little they are. After Abi changed back into her normal clothes, we all gathered in the car park whilst Tony was having a pretty heated discussion with one of the security guards about us landing the jet on the roof, and when Tony returned Abi was the first to speak.

"Thank you all for being here today, it really does mean a lot, and thank you especially Tony for paying for their separate room and our hotel room." She said with a smile.

"It was nothing, and just wait until they grow up a little, we are going to spoil them rotten." Tony said with a grin.

"You guys are all welcome to stay at the farm house tonight, although it might be a little cramped, there is a car there and I'm sure Chloe won't mind bringing a few of you back here tomorrow." She said, glancing over at my cousin.

"Yeah that's fine." Chloe said whilst glaring at me, if looks could kill then I'd be dead.

"We can come and visit for a few hours tomorrow but Fury wants us back in Manhattan by the evening, other than you Clint. He said you can have a couple of weeks off, but if you want any more off then it's going to be taking away from those holidays you've been saving." Nat said and I internally groaned.

"What holidays?" Abi asked the question I knew she would.

"I'll explain later." I said with a sigh.

"Right, well to be totally honest I am exhausted so I'm going to steal this one and head to the hotel." Abi said, pointing to me.

"Yeah, and anyone that doesn't want to go in that weird jet thing can ride with me, but I only have 4 spare seats." Chloe said as she looked at the others.

"I'll go with you." Steve instantly volunteered, to which I shot him a knowing look.

His cheeks dusted a light pink colour as he followed Chloe to her truck and the others headed up to the quinjet, I could see that Steve was starting to get a little crush on my cousin and I didn't really mind; out of all of the guys he is the best one for her, and the two of them deserve to be happy whether that's together or apart.

"You coming?" Abi asked, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah." I said, jogging to catch up to her.

I glanced down at her and noticed she was wearing a hoodie, but it wasn't mine, I frowned when I realised who it belonged to; Steve. I decided not to say anything, I didn't want her hating me any more than she already did but it did bug me a little; they were really close and it made me a little suspicious.

"Good evening, what can I do for you?" The guy behind the front desk asked as we walked in.

"Uh a friend booked a room for us, it might be under the name Stark." I said.

"Ah yes, room 207 on the 4th floor, here is your key card, have a nice evening." He said, handing us a card.
I took it from him and followed Abi to the elevator, I pressed the button for the 4th floor and we rode up in silence. We stayed silent up until we got into our room, Abi dropped down onto the couch and I headed to the mini fridge.

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