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Abi's P.O.V.

"Hey everyone, I hope you're all having a good evening and enjoying yourself as much as I am. As you all know, it's Abi's 21st birthday today and I just so happen to be the lucky guy that gets to call her his girlfriend." He started but then turned to face me.

He took one of my hands in both of his and fiddled with my fingers a little, as if he was nervous, and even though he was facing me the microphone still picked up his voice.

"Two years ago today I met you and that night went from being one of the worst nights of my life to being one of the best very quickly, we saved each other that night and I'm so thankful I found you. I knew from the moment I saw you that night, there was something about you that intrigued me and something about you I needed, but it turns out it wasn't just something, it was all of you. These past two years have been the best two years of my life and that is thanks to you, I know we have had our ups and downs but I can't wait to see what the future hold for us. Our life has been a bit hectic so far but it's been so much fun, most of the time we are going at a 100 miles per hour but sometimes we can sit back and relax, although I doubt there will be much time to relax in the near future." He said as he glanced down at my stomach.

With my free hand, I quickly wiped away a stray tear that had rolled down my cheek, hoping that nobody had seen it.

"You are one of the funniest, smartest, kindest, loveliest and most caring people I have ever met and I wouldn't change you for the world. You managed to pull me out of a dark place very quickly and you've kept me out of it, for that I will forever be grateful. You are everything I've ever wanted and could ever need in a partner and I am absolutely, definitely, undoubtedly in love with you, I love you with every single bit of my heart. When I walk into a room, you are the first person I look for, the only person I want to be around, you are the reason I have this big stupid grin plastered to my face all day, every day. If these last two years are any indication of what our future holds then I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you and I hope you want to spend the rest of your life with me too." He said.

As he spoke his last sentence he got down on one knee, pulling a velvet box out of his pocket and I felt the tears welling up in my eyes as my heart felt like it was fit to explode.

"I guess what I'm trying to say is, Abi Gilbert will you marry me?" He asked as he opened the little box to reveal the most beautiful ring.

"Yes." I said, but my voice came out more as a whisper.

He quickly slipped the ring onto my finger before picking me up and spinning me around, pressing a kiss on my lips in front of everyone. When he set me back down on my feet, the whole room erupted in cheers and clapping, I felt my cheeks burning as I pressed myself into Clint's side, trying to bury my head in his chest.

"I love you so much." He mumbled into my hair before pressing a kiss on the top of my head.

"I love you too." I said as I stood up on my tip toes, capturing his lips with mine once more.

When we got down from the stage, people crowded around us as they congratulated us and asked to see the ring, all the normal stuff after a proposal I suppose. I wasn't a huge fan of crowds though and I believed in personal space although in this moment in time I had none. After a few minutes I excused myself and made a beeline for the balcony to get a bit of fresh air, when I stepped out I found Sam and Rhodey out there too.

"Hey guys." I said as I shut the door behind me.

"Abi!" Sam said happily as he pulled me into a hug.

"So how have you two been?" I asked.

"Good, although it seems you've been better." Rhodey said with a smile.

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