<part 9>

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(now we resume hehe)

Darryl woke up frantically.

he reached behind his night stand and pulled out a ruler and held it behind his head like a bat. For some reason, Zak pulled the covers above his chest and looked at Darryl.
Z: why are we sleeping together???

D: do you not remember yesterday!? I took you here! Home!

Z: what the fuck!


Zak got up and paced. did we do anything?.. weird?!

D: what? No! we didn't do anything..

Z: what time is it?
Zak ran and got his phone that was placed perfectly next to his. he double tapped the screen in his hands. he was late. so so late.

Z: we gotta go!

D: go where?? What's going on?

Z: my game! It's today, it can't run late or I'll be booted off the team! like— nothing! like the bisectors will connect and— LETS GOOO!

Darryl jumped up and put on new pants and a hoodie, Zak put on his light blue hoodie and ran out the door.

D: I have the keys!

Zak ran back in and signaled to the door.

they both sat in the car and said nothing. Darryl started it up and drove away.

D: soo.. it's at the school , right?

Z: mhm

D:... why did you freak out earlier?

Z: what do you mean?

D: I mean.. would it be so bad if we did anything?

Zak choked on the tiny water bottle he was drinking and paused.

Z: what?? No.. I just wanna Remember it..

things got a whole lot awkward.

Z: and I don't know if you even want a relationship..

D: ..well.. uh.. i mean maybe if you do.. I dunno..

Z: I do. I really like you.

Darryl stopped at a red light and turned to Zak with his Left hand on the wheel.

D: me too.

Zak put his bottle in the cup holder and leaned in to Darryl. Traffic was bad, right? He went in for the kiss and held his face, too. It was (rudely) interrupted by a loud beep. Darryl turned forward as well as Zak.

Z: oh shit! The light! Go!


Darryl sped up and got back on track. He also cleared his throat.

Once they got to the big game, Zak jumped out of the car and ran as fast as he could to the gym. Darryl right behind him.

Z: sorry, coach! My phone distracted me.. and I slept in!

C: it's fine.. is he your phone? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )
coach pointed to a red, messy haired Darryl who was just running behind them. 

Z: ah- uhm.. no! yes! where are the jerseys?

coach then pointed to the back room. Zak turned and took off his hoodie which lifted up his shirt a little. Darryl couldn't stop staring the whole 2 seconds.

Z: take this for me?

D: sure.
he took the hoodie and nodded. he then bit his lip a little and shook his head. he  carried everything to the bleachers and sat there while Zak ran out in his jersey. number 14. that was darryl's guy.

Shortly after, the game started. The first time Zak scored a point, Darryl held his hand high and waved at him. The second time, he took off his hoodie and put on zak's, which threw Zak off a bit. He couldn't stop giggling the whole time, but managed. The third time, Darryl stood and yelled "THATS MY ZAK!" which gave Zak all the power he could want. he jumped, and dunked the ball in the hoop, let go and fell down to the ground. He looked over at an attractive, ecstatic, wonderful, happy smiling Darryl in the stand.

Zak said quietly: i'm his Zak.

A/N: hi hi jifs! soo a lot of people said 2 a week, and 1 a week. remember, 1 a week is a really detailed story, but it's gonna take a week. 2 a week is just Saturday and Sunday. it's good but it's not very detailed.  Comment 1 or 2 and your favorite part of the book! stay tuned!

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