Ghiaccio's Birthday

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One year later on your boyfriend's birthday, you were planning a party at the house for him with the help of Illuso, Pesci, Prosciutto and Formaggio, since Ghiaccio, Melone and Risotto were on a mission.

However, you weren't feeling very well. Nevertheless, you were going to do yout best for the party. You were baking the cake when you felt sick.

"(Y/N), are you okay?", Pesci asked.

"Can you take care of the rest of the cake and put it in the oven?"

"Yes, why?"

"I'm feeling a little sick, that's all.", you assured him, getting out of the kitchen.

On your way to the stairs, Prosciutto came to you, worried.

"What's wrong?"

You felt the urge to go to the nearest bathroom. You pushed him out of the way and ran through the stairs until your room, where you threw on the toilet.

You shivered when you stopped. Prosciutto had come with you, it seemed.

"Are you with a cold or something?", he asked you, putting his hand on your forehead.

"I don't know! I feel just fine but since last week, I have been feeling like crap for short periods of time. I don't know what's wrong with me!", you cleaned your mouth and flushed the toilet.

Prosciutto became really serious.

"Have you and Ghiaccio done it, you know... unprotected?"

"No! Of course not!"

Then it all made sense. No, it couldn't be right. It didn't make sense at all! You started to panic. Then Illuso entered in the bathroom and he saw you hyperventilating on the floor and quickly asked what was wrong.

"Illuso, get out, please.", Prosciutto commanded.

"Huh? You can't order me around. I'm worried too, you know?"

You couldn't even hear them argue anymore. You were trembling. Ghiaccio wouldn't want a child. Ghiaccio hates kids. Ghiaccio would leave you if he knew. Ghiaccio would-

When you came back to yourself, Prosciutto had closed the door and was kneeled in front of you.

"What do I do?!", you asked, trembling.

"First of all, calm down. You won't be able to think like this."

"Ghiaccio will be so mad...", you cried.

"Calm down. We still don't know if you're really pregnant."

"I won't be able to look at him anymore..."

"Why are you thinking that? Ghiaccio would never push you aside because of something like this. Besides, I think he always wanted a kid."

"I'm not so sure."

"Come on, clean your tears. Let's go to a pharmacy to get a test and after the result, we will think of what to do next."

"Thank you so much, Prosciutto."

"Don't mension it. Ghiaccio won't like to see you this sad on his birthday."

"But something tells me he will."


You were so stressed because of this. Ghiaccio was really going to be a dad. And you couldn't stop crying. This should be a happy occasion. You were so ready to be a mother but were so afraid of Ghiaccio's reaction that you couldn't think right.

" Well, congratulations, (Y/-"

"I'm the one who ages today.", Ghiaccio was at the door with his usual frown.

Your heart sank. How were you going to give him the news?! You clenched your hand around the pregnancy test.

"What's wrong?", your boyfriend asked, "Why are you on the floor and what are you hiding behind your back? And why the fuck is Prosciutto here with you?"

Prosciutto looked at you and you looked at him, trying to make him help you in any way. But he simply said:

"(Y/N) has something to tell you."

"Yes? What is it?"

You got up when Prosciutto was getting ready to leave. You grabbed his arm with your other hand, begging him to stay here too. You told him that you couldn't do it.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG?! I'm getting angered!"

Prosciutto got out of the bathroom and out of your room, leaving you with your boyfriend who was in equal measure worried and angry.

"You're scaring me.", he touched your arm and approached you, "You look like someone died. And don't think that I didn't notice that you were crying."

"I-I don't even know what to say. You're gonna be so mad.", you started crying again.

"Try me."

"I am so so sorry! I don't know how this happened and I-I-"

"Just say it!"

"I'm pregnant."

Ghiaccio frooze. You were expecting this reaction. You were expecting him to yell at you too. However, none of that happened. Your boyfriend smiled after some seconds.


"Yes.", you show him the test, confused. Wasn't he mad?

"So we're going to be parents?!"

He was really happy, it seemed.

"Then why are you crying?! This is great!"

"I didn't know if you wanted to be a dad so I got worri-"

Ghiaccio hugged you, not even giving you the chance to finish your sentence. You hugged him back. You felt so relieved. So so relieved. You were so happy that he liked the idea of having a baby.

"How did it happen? We used condoms every time.", he asked.

"Maybe one of them broke and we didn't notice. I don't know.", you explained.

"Either way, I am happy.", he smiled back. You loved when you boyfriend smiled, "Best birthday ever."

"This gift was totally planned.", you joked.

"Don't care.", Ghiaccio said, "It's the best.", he hugged you, "You're the best."

"I love you."

"I love you too."

After hugging, you asked:

"Should we tell them?"

"I mean... They have to know."

So when you were having dinner, before eating the cake, you said you had an announcement to make. Ghiaccio stood up with you, of course.

"I'm pregnant.", you smiled.

Formaggio chocked on his food and Melone automatically fell from his chair. Risotto raised a brow:

"A baby? You two know that our job inplies-"

"We're already have a backup plan if anything happens to us.", Ghiaccio said, "At Naples, there's a gang under Bucciarati that looks like a nursery now. You can send the child to him, I'm sure he won't put him in the streets. He takes children from the streets, after all."

"Bucciarati? Are you serious?"

"Yes.", you said, "We thought about this."

"If that's what you want, okay.", your Boss said, "Congratulations."

"Thank you."

You were going to be parents now. One of your dreams were being a mom and now you were going to be one! And Ghiaccio was fine with the idea! You were truly happy now.

The next chapter is going to be the last! I'll make sure you guys love it!
( > v < )

I like you, stupid! (Ghiaccio x Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن