Reluctant Date (Barry/Kara)

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I really need to get to pictures of Grant lol.

A shot in where Barry is involuntarily dragged into a date with Kara while his friend Caitlin is moving houses.

"I'm so glad that you're moving out of this neighborhood Caitlin," Iris told Caitlin as Caitlin finished closing a box.

"Some dude peed on my car while I was parking it!" Iris exclaimed.

"Oh, you met spaghetti. Ya, I won't miss him," Caitlin muttered.

"Speaking of missing people, how did Barry dodge this bullet?" Iris asked referring to Barry's absence.

"He said he was under the weather."

"Yeah," Iris said skeptically.

"Thanks for helping, can you imagine how much fun this is gonna be?! Me living with Cisco and Winn," Caitlin said excitedly.

"Yeah, there'll be a happy phase. but it won't take long till you hate their guts," Iris told Caitlin while she was messing with a teddy bear.

"I'll never hate Winn and Cisco."

"Oh my god, I forgot. You're 25. Don't worry. It's natural when you become roommates with friends the things you love about them become the things that make you want to smother them with a pillow."

"But that's unacceptable to me."

Cisco and Winn barged into Caitlin's apartment.

"We're here to help you move on the dance floor!" Cisco said cooly.

"Nice! Tweet it!" Winn said.

"Tweeting it!"

"What are you tweeting?" Iris asked.

"Everything. we're tweeting Caitlins move live."

"Hashtag Caitlin's move!" Winn said.

"How fun!" Caitlin said.

Then Lena and Harry walked in.

"How was I supposed to know it was a handicap space?" Harry said.

"Because the man in the wheelchair was yelling it!" Lena responded.

"Oh yeah, and he doesn't have an agenda... Hold it... Where's Allen?" Harry said.

"Sick," Caitlin told Harry.

"Yeah, I'm calling him," Iris said, not convinced that Barry was sick.

The cellphone rang as Barry looked at it. He was in a dressing room at the mall.

"Hello?" Barry said in a raspy voice.

"So you're  sick, huh?" Iris told him.

"Uh, that's what they tell me."

"Cut the wit, Barry, where are you, Hollister or Macy's?"

"Wow Iris, you got me all figured out."

"Well, I can tell you're not in bed."

"That's right Iris I'm pretending to be violently ill to avoid lifting a few boxes," Barry continued in a raspy voice as he handed a shirt over to the local employee, Becky Sharpe.

"And who's your primary physician, Mr. Allen?" Becky asked as she took the shirt from his hands.

"Dr. Mcgee. Do you wanna see my insurance card?" Barry took out his credit card to buy the shirt.

"Please," she said.

"Wait are you at the hospital?" Iris said as Barry put a barcode scanner close to the speaker.

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