Can't Sleep? (Kara/Barry)

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I can't sleep at all because of my nightmares.

I can't sleep at all because of my nightmares

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But looking at you helps

But looking at you helps

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To give himself credit,  he did go to lay down at a decent time. It hadn't even hit midnight yet, but the second his head hit the pillow it was like his brain went into overtime. Instead of getting his dose of sleep, he started thinking about every last tiny detail he had done wrong that day and sitting on it. His gut rolled in his stomach as he tossed and turned in his bed.

He tried. Honest, he did. He laid there like that for over 2 hours before he finally gave up and begrudgingly rolled out of the bed. Barry pulled on a pair of sweats and a T-shirt to wander his way down into the common area of the Hall of Justice. 

The compound was built just for the league and everyone had their own room. Bruce had outdone himself in planning the common room, Barry thought as he wandered into the room. A huge living space with a kitchen and dining area as well as a giant TV that spanned several feet right along the far wall. With windows on either side, Barry found his way to the largest couch. One that curved and had enough room for all of the league to sit on comfortably, and flopped down right in the middle. Picking up a tablet that was on the coffee table and curled up with his knees to his chest as he started to doodle on the board.

On Kara's side, the mission was simple enough, just put out a massive wildfire in California spanning from Orange County to the border with Washington. Tag and bag job, it was done. Diana brought the Javelin into the hangar nice and easy, quick and quiet, barely even rustling the grass. Kara helped her restock the jet's supplies and get everything locked down and put away, then they went their separate ways.

Diana went upstairs to sleep for a week and Kara went to the locker rooms in the training room area in order to scrub herself down. 

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