Glimpse Ahead (Superflash)

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This is an unofficial draft of what I have written for my next Superflash book which is the 1000-year sequel, don't worry I'm going to get to it. I think I have some time this summer to immerse myself in Superflash. Just have to watch some edits to get my love for those two back. 

Anywho, they're at the vanishing point, and just like there are good paragons, there are paragons of evil accompanying them. Both would have to get over their differences and be allies for the time being. 


Barry lay on the concrete shoreline, there was a sea of vibrant teal liquid almost glowing. They figured out that early on it was safe to drink, with Ryan Choy caving in and quenching his thirst with the liquid. It looked stagnant, nonmoving, not so much dirty, it looked clean and pristine. Choy said it tasted like Listerine but went down without a burn. Barry chuckled at that.

They had kept to themselves, the heroes. The Villains made their own group separate from them, it was barely the second day and they were getting accustomed to their new base of operations. They hashed out a plan to be carried out tomorrow, both groups were calm enough and had common sense to realize they were to work together to beat the Anti-Monitor, they could do it. They were the strongest beings in the multiverse, it was up to them. Barry still can't believe that it's all gone. Everyone and everything he ever loved is now gone, except for one person...

Kara Danvers. 

She sat next to him, the brilliant blonde girl from Kansas traced the side of his face with her eyes, he could feel her gaze on him. He fought a blush and glanced at her. Then a sight caught his attention from the side. He saw Eobard sitting on a piece of old concrete, pointing at the pitch-black sky devoid of stars, he was talking to Overgirl, Kara's evil twin, about what? Who knows. Perhaps another time, another life, that's what it felt like at least. He'd never forgive the bastard for dooming Alura the way he did, his daughter did not deserve her fate. Overgirl looked at Barry, her gaze darkening as he caught him staring at both her and Eobard, she gave him a hard glare and turned her head back around to pay attention to what Eobard was saying. 

"I think both of us need to go as soon as we defeat the anti-monitor."

"This plan's gonna work, Kara."

"I know it will, which means when the Anti-Monitor is gone, we both know what happens next. I don't know about you but I'm tired of fighting, I don't think we'll be able to take all of them if they decide to turn on us."

"What if they don't wanna fight either? What if all of us refuse to fight each other and go our separate ways?"

"Lex isn't like that, we might still end up dead, we'll be weakened during the fight for sure."

"Maybe not, it worked for us once."

"Eobard won't make that same mistake again, neither will Overgirl. Let's run away, Barry."

"What about the others, Sara? J'onn? Clark?"

"I'm sure they can escape too."

"Why can't we help them?" Barry asked.

Kara looked at him brokenly.

"Because every time we try to help we end up losing those who we love. Alura, Ralph..."

"We'll stick with all of them until the Anti-Monitor is defeated, after... we go to another world, or another time, I don't care which," Barry responded.

"I thought you'd argue why I'm not considering fighting or at least helping the other heroes."

"Like you said they can take care of themselves, they have an extrapolator, if it still works they'd be able to get away, if not I'll make sure to leave a time remnant behind to warn them, or whisk them away to the farthest corner of the earth beyond the eyes of the villains."

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