Rivalry (Snippet)

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Kara's rounded knuckles wiped the sweat along her forehead, she dabbed the sweat away from her bangs as she ran at super speed on one of the sonic treadmills that the Watchtower gym had to offer. The Kryptonian blood under her steel skin pulsed molten hot, it gave her a nice thrill. It was the adrenaline, maybe, Whatever. She thought as her feet thundered on the treadmill. Her heart pounded aggressively in her ribcage, Clark would've scolded her for exerting herself, she was nearly at Barry's cruising speed, but not even touching his actual speed. She started to run short of breath and quickly looked around to distract herself and regulate her breathing. 

The training gym was a place full of chatter and activity. Batgirl was doing pull-ups, and Oliver and Laurel talked to each other as they finished their tricep dips. Chatter and the occasional grunt or two filled the moist air in the gym. And in the center, Kara found Barry standing next to Wally, and they both stood across Hal Jordan with a sizable amount of space between them. But for Kara, she was almost certain that Barry didn't consider it enough. 

She can't wrap her head around what situation was weirder: Barry having a very strong grudge against someone or someone having a strong grudge against Barry. 

From across the gym, she saw his head turn to the side, and when she found her eyes, his scowl faltered and turned into an unreadable blank stare. And then just like that, he shunned her. 

What's going on Barry? She wondered to herself. 

Well, she supposes that one of them has to act disinterested in the presence of teammates. Normally it was her, but perhaps he's giving her a small break. Batman has been on to them for a while now, so maybe Barry is trying to throw him off. 

Dating was still strongly frowned upon in the team, it could lead to a disaster and frankly, that was all bullshit. 

Diana came to a standstill in front of the treadmill Kara was running on. Kara shunned the room to focus on what she was saying. Her hand quickly adjusted the speed dial to stop, Kara jumped off the treadmill, landing gracefully on both feet. 

"Hey Diana, what can I do for you?" Kara grinned.

"Would you like to do weights with me? Kara?"

"Of course."

Kara tied her hair into a double braided ponytail at super speed. Diana chuckled and began bundling her jet-black hair into a tight bun. Kara followed Diana, her legs feeling as if they'd been reduced to a sloshy gel. They weaved around several benches and other gym equipment. They arrived at a rack of dumbbells that were specially made to their standards. 

"Finally, I feel like I've been waiting all morning to do this," Diana said as she curled a dumbbell.

Sitting on a reclining bench she picked up the medium-weight dumbbell reserved for Supergirl and Superman and started to lift them. 

"How long have you been waiting for me?" Diana asked her.

"Two hours."

"You're crazy."

"I'm doing nothing, I don't have any patients or tech to tend to on a daily basis. I am not like Flash or Batman-"

Loud, obnoxious, and distracting hollers and shouts bounced off the walls of the gym and into Kara's ears. They were sharp, and they sounded angry.

Then she heard Barry's grunts...

Kara's shoulders tensed, her dumbbells nearly falling from her iron grip. She looked over at Diana with an unreadable blank expression, her eyes widening just a fragment. Her ears honed in on Barry's noises of anger and realized that he was in a fight.

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