Titan's Finest- Imra/Barry/Kara

790 18 16

Another tooth-rotting fluff, courtesy of my well-being and current Euphoria from having some Rocky Road Ice Cream on a perfect day. Oh and Mon-El doesn't exist lol. 

Imra groaned as she stirred. Imra realized the severity of her injuries as her brain restarted, she bit back a yelp of pain, tears brimming her eyes as she tried to move on the bed. She let her tears spill as her face contracted in pain. Imra was very resilient when she's injured, but she remembered when Reign cut her back open with her claws. 

Imra saw a shadowed figure approach, she didn't know who it was because her vision was misty, the last time she remembered before she blacked out was that she was in Kara's apartment. She had refused to get her wounds checked out, having her back sown by Alex was enough, but her stitches ripped when she was helping Kara out when Pestilence struck she didn't notice it until it was too late, she collapsed right then and there, luckily Kara was with Barry at the time. 

Over the months that she had known Barry, Imra had fallen in love with him, Barry told her he was with Kara, but they were keen on dating her, both of them. She had least expected both of them to take interest in her. But both Kara and Barry glanced at her according to Winn. They only had a few weeks together but it already felt normal, she just needed time to accept Kara, she wasn't used to women liking her, but she tries.

Imra let out a breath of relief when the figure turned out to be Barry, she could point out his oddly defined shoulders anywhere. Barry knelt beside her bedside, he noticed that Imra's bandages weren't bloody anymore, it was a good sign.

Imra attempted to turn her head and face him, but she couldn't. She let her head hit the pillow again and let out another painful groan. 

Barry was now next to her face, whispering words of encouragement.

"Hey, Stardust, don't worry, everything will be over soon," He murmured gently, she could feel his breath on the side of her face. She forced herself to relax.

Through Imra's pain, she felt Barry's face nuzzle against her cheek. Imra smiled through the pain and tilted her head to nuzzle against him. Imra let out a satisfied sound whenever Barry nuzzled his nose against hers. 

"I love you," She murmured. Barry smiled into her cheek and nuzzled it again, sending a nice pulse of euphoria through her body.

Barry's scent was so strong, she loved it. His closeness was her weakness, so without warning she brought her hand and cupped the side of his face, pulling him in closer. She heard Barry's hot exhale on her face as she ran her lips against his. 

She pressed her lips gently into Barry's, Imra focused on sucking on his top lip. She ran her tongue across his upper lip very gently, Imra angled her body towards him, ignoring the pain. She grabbed handfuls of his shirt as Imra deeply kissed him. 

Barry let out a soft groan when her fingers threaded through his hair, massaging his scalp. Imra's tongue pushed against his lips, Barry let her in and pushed his tongue against hers. Imra parted from the kiss, leaving Barry breathless.

Barry looked almost dizzy, his pupils were wide, his eyes trying to chart her beautiful facial features. Barry was directly over her now, careful not to hurt her in any way. His face had a noticeable blush to it, going down to his neckline. His upper lips were red and swollen from her incessant sucking. Imra felt her face heat up as she looked at her handiwork, leaving a dazed and breathless Barry Allen.

Imra was still on her stomach, refusing to turn on her back because of her stitches. Barry nuzzled his face close to hers again, his green hazel eyes met hers. Barry sighed loudly and pressed his nose into her cheek.

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