Two Sides Of The Same Coin (Snowbarry) (Reversefrost)

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I haven't uploaded in a long while, I apologize for that, I'm going to open up more requests as the year wraps up. This will be a short one-shot revolving around the Armageddon crossover. 

"Flash! What did you do?" Despero shouted.

"I went to the future."

Barry walked up to Despero and faced him down, he took off the chest piece housing the time stone and threw it on the floor. 

"Caitlin was right, someone manipulated the timeline to drive me mad. It turns out in order to fix it I had to get my hands dirty, I had to start Armageddon. But I didn't destroy the world, I saved it," Barry explained as he circled around Despero.

"How is that possible?" Despero questioned.

"You left 2031 before the world ended. What you didn't know is that Eobard Thawne, the Reverse-Flash, was chasing me. He wanted to stop me from restoring the timeline. The speed wake created by us both, that is what caused the destruction you saw," Barry further explained.

"If that's happened, what stopped you  from tearing this world apart?" Despero interrogated him.

Barry stopped to face him and smiled.

"Caitlin... she helped me reconnect with the Speed Force. Now the future's safe thanks to my wife," Barry said gratefully.

Despero opened his third eye to see for himself if Barry was telling the truth.

"I can see you believe it to be true, and you've seen this first hand. My senses confirm that this world has been altered. I will go to 2031 and see for myself. And if this world is still in danger, I will hold you responsible, and you will die," Despero threatened and then disappeared into the future. 

Barry let out a sigh of relief and nearly collapsed from the exhaustion. Barry got up and walked down the halls of the cortex, the authorities who closed it down were gone, Despero was gone, it was peaceful. Barry walked into the lounge to see his team about to eat. He smiled as he saw all of them save for Joe and Frost. 

"Hey, Barr, I would've got you something, but I thought you were working through lunch at the precinct today. Don't worry though, there's plenty," Caitlin told him.

"I have a burger here right for you bro," Iris told him and held a burger up.

Barry smiled at all of them. Tears welled in his eyes as he sped towards Cailtin and gathered her in his arms in a tender and joyful hug. Barry spun her around as he chuckled.

"I missed you so much," Barry whispered.

"Oh, Barry, I love you too, so much, thank you for missing me," Caitlin murmured and kissed the top of his head. 

"Barry, are you alright?" Cecile inquired.

Barry smiled as he let out a breathless laugh.

"Something happened, didn't it?" Caitlin asked.

Barry looked at her and nodded.

"What was it?" She gently pried.

Barry laid a hand on Caitlin's arm and glided his hand up and down her arm to comfort himself more than anything. 

"Later. I just want to be here with my wife, with all of you," Barry told them. 

"Well I'm gonna call dad and tell him to come, Caitlin, you'll call Frost right?" Iris asked. Caitlin answered with an 'mhm' and dialed her number. 

"Can I call him?" Barry asked Iris.

"Uh, I mean yeah, it's ringing, so..." Iris trailed off as Barry hugged her too and stepped away to call Joe.

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