Future State (Flarrow)

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Hey, y'all! Now that I have a tad bit more time on my hand's thanks to halting some of my projects. I can now work on my one-shots a little bit. Let me know in the comments if you want any pairing you'd like with Barry and anyone else. I just don't do Male x Male and polyamorous (For now) pairings.

Synopsis: After Armageddon concludes, Barry deems it necessary to aid Mia in her search for her brother. Barry's guilt and great admiration for his best friend/brother, Oliver, impulses him to take care of Mia and make sure she can handle the mantle of the green arrow, but after what follows, Barry develops feelings for her, could he possibly overcome this possibly taboo and dangerous attraction to Mia Queen? Or will he fulfill his promise to the fullest degree that he made to Oliver to make sure everyone was safe after he passed away, including the full protection of his daughter and making sure that his legacy lived on in her? 

Oh and btw, no Westallen.

A few edits I made before we begin. 

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"I need a drink... a real one," Mia murmured as she folded her karambit back into her dress. Barry noted her tense shoulders as she just threatened Damien Darhk. She walked to the bar and stayed over there as Joe led Damien away to talk. 

"I'll talk to her," Barry told Iris and she nodded. 

Mia poured herself some whiskey in a shot glass as Barry sat next to her on a stool. He cleared his throat and he looked at Mia. 

"What do you want?" Mia asked him.

Barry chuckled. Always to the point, just like Oliver.

"I have some information that could help you find William, I um..." Barry trailed off, swallowing audibly.

"What information?" She inquired, her eyes sparkling with curiosity and desperation. 

Barry blinked, his face flushing as he found out he stared at her too long because Mia was staring at him awkwardly.

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