It's Just Us Now (Barry/Sara)

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SYNOPSIS: After Crisis On Infinite Earths, Barry finds himself at a loss for words. Oliver Queen, his comrade, and his surrogate brother, sacrificed himself to save the multiverse. Now in this new world Barry finds himself lost in it. It was just them now, one Earth, one universe, one people. He finds a blonde who he originally thought was tough and very dangerous, and now he is beginning to develop feelings of more than friendship with her, this woman was Sara Lance. 

Sara didn't know what to do now, Oliver had just died and left them with a second chance at life. She wondered if she really deserved a second chance. And then she remembered that she had Barry, a goofball that could get serious at the drop of a needle if need be. She couldn't remember a time that she felt angry towards him, and if she did, it was long forgotten. He had the aspects of a true leader, and she was developing feelings towards him, a man who has lost as much as her, who has been through as much as she has but never killed as a first option, never hurt anyone on purpose. She fell for him because he is everything she wants to be. So she starts to change because of him, she starts allowing herself to be happy, to let old Sara out a little bit, just when it was them, alone. Because in reality, it was just them now. 

Barry couldn't get his mind wrapped around the fact that Oliver was dead. He had been for a couple of days now after he saved everyone. The whole team was leaderless, but the world was in one piece, and that was all that mattered. They were now all on the same Earth, melded together in a giant melting pot heroes and villains alike.

The smell of strong freshly brewed coffee pulled Barry out of his thoughts. Not that Barry had really been lost in thought completely without being aware of his surroundings all the time, he was always ready to leap into action, excuse me, run into it more like.

He always managed to crack himself up.

Barry took his order and ventured over to the seat by the window which was so rare to see vacant these days. After a while, a young and vibrant blonde swept into the shop. She looked around for a moment, as to judge her surroundings, and then her gaze landed on Barry, she grinned, her pearly white teeth visible and he smiled back at her.

"There he is, the man of the hour," She greeted him rather loudly and with fondness.

"Well, no need to tell the whole world, Sara," Barry whispered.

"Sorry, I forgot these people don't know what we've done for them," Sara murmured.

"I just wanted to enjoy some me time before... before the funeral starts," Barry said.

"Yeah, I've been avoiding that subject a lot lately, I just can't break into tears now, not in front of everyone I know, they'll need us when this is all over."

Sara was right, and Barry was so emotionally strong, after everything. After his dad's death, and after H.R.'s death. It seemed that nothing ever phased him. She sat down across from him, she smiled at him.

"Well, at least we're both still here in one piece. Oliver is counting on us to lead."

"Yeah, I know, Kara and all of them look up to us, it's stressful."

"It was never going to be easy, but we'll do it. You just watch."

The captain of the Waverider reached over and broke off a piece of his donut.

"I thought sweets made you jittery."

"I'm indulging myself today, plus it's not like I'm going to eat 2 dozen donuts like I did with Kara."

She nodded, chewing and then reaching for his coffee, not bothering to pop open the lid to drink, she drank from his own gap in the lid. She eyed the other piece of his donut as well as she did so. This was their thing now, she would steal food and drinks from him whenever they met up, and he felt very happy about this type of banter they shared. As far as he knew she didn't do it with anyone else on the team. Otherwise, Cisco or Caitlin would have gotten very mad at her for taking their pizza pockets from them.

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