Exclusive Devotion (Thea/Barry)

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Alright so today I brought you guys a little Domestic Fluff, it's gonna be a Thea/Barry oneshot, enjoy. 

Barry walked up to Cisco, who was typing away at a computer.

"Where's Thea, Cisco?" Barry asked desperately. Cisco raised an eyebrow.

"Caitlin's treating her, she got stabbed in the shoulder by Deathstroke, apparently while you were chasing down the getaway car, it was a trick, and Deathstroke tried to kill Thea, oh and I'm fine Barry, thanks for asking, my arm's a little sore but nothing I can't handle," Cisco said sarcastically.

Barry didn't hear the end of his sentence as he had bolted out the door, lifting papers into the air. Cisco rolled his eyes and chuckled to himself.

"Those two are definitely together, let me just check the cameras..." Cisco murmured, typing away again. 

No one knew, of course, they had their suspicions, some of them did at least. But it wasn't known publicly, about Barry and Thea. They were keeping their relationship a secret, they didn't share it with anybody. It was hard to keep it a secret, they were both heroes, they both had a sense of duty to serve the people. Neither of them was ready to share their lives with anybody else other than themselves, Barry was alright with that. Things were good around Team Arrow and Team Flash, and if there's a rift because of this, then it would be problematic. 

Barry collided with Harry, he was thinking too hard about Thea and got distracted. Harry almost went flying if it weren't for Barry to grab him by the arms and steady him. 

"Shit, Allen, are you trying to kill me?!" Harry hissed.

"Sorry," Barry muttered. "I was gonna go check on The- Speedy, I was just gonna go check on Speedy," Barry corrected himself.

"She's alright, Barry, I know because I patched her up myself along with Caitlin," Harry grumbled. Harry pulled off his glasses and sighed.

"She has a severe headache because of blunt force trauma, she has a few cuts and bruises, and she'll need stitches on her shoulder-"

"What about the stab wound," Barry interrupted.

"Her shoulder is gonna be alright, luckily it didn't get all the way through, Wally was able to stop Deathstroke before he'd split her scapula in half," Harry informed him.

"Alright, thanks, Harry," Barry tried to push past him but Harry grabbed his arm.

"She's sleeping, Allen, Oliver was clear we wouldn't let anyone in but him and Caitlin," Harry said. 

"I'm just gonna go check on her, just a peek," Barry told him. Harry sighed and shook his head.

"Alright whatever, I'm won't be surprised if Oliver shoots you in the back, again."

Barry nodded and sped away into the room she was in down the hallway. Luckily STAR Labs has an intensive care unit Caitlin had installed a year after the particle accelerator explosion in order to treat Barry. Barry opened the door and found Thea lying on the medical bed, she had an IV in her vein and purple bruises on her face and her wrists, her left arm was in a sling and it looked like her shoulder was heavily bandaged. 

Barry sighed as he gathered her right hand in his. He sniffled as tears ran down his eyes, it was his recklessness that compelled him to chase after the fake getaway car, leaving Thea behind. Barry leaned down and pressed a kiss to her forehead, Thea stirred and her eyelids fluttered, but they did not open. 

"Barry?" Caitlin asked him from behind. 

Barry jolted up instantly, he turned around and faced Caitlin, trying to replace the flush on his face. Caitlin had her head poked through the curtains in order to check on Thea, she didn't know Barry would be here.

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