Morning Walks (Flash/Plastique)

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"She's alive?" Barry asked in surprise as he stared at the monitor Cisco was on.

"Yeah, and she's in the same place Eiling shot her at."

"I'm gonna go get her, and see if she remembers anything."

Barry sped out of the cortex and onto the streets without another word. He sped to a halt at the waterfront where Bette was. He couldn't believe his eyes. He hadn't seen her in nearly a decade and she had exploded in a purple energy blast. And he remembered how he let her die. 

Guilt pooled at his stomach as he halted in front of her, his throat tight with emotion and grief for letting Eiling shoot her in the chest. She was about to tell him about Eobard, about to say to him who he really was and that he was the one who put her up to this. 

Their eyes met and Bette recognized him. It was a weird world after Crisis. But it couldn't get any weirder than this. 

"Bette? Do you remember me?"

"S-stay back!" 

"You're alive, it's okay."


She looked down, blood did not soak her shirt anymore, she remembered being shot and about to tell Barry about Wells but then she lost consciousness. She looked around, trying to look for Eiling not knowing he wasn't there. He hasn't been there or even in the city for a long long time. 

"It's okay, general Eliling won't be a problem anymore. You're safe."

Bette breathed a sigh of relief, her memory was flooding back to her, she was standing in front of Barry. But he wore a different suit this time, it differed much from the one that he wore when she last saw him. She felt dizzy and weak all over.

"Barry... that was your name, right?"

"Yes, Bette, this is a new world, there are things we still don't understand, I don't know how you're still alive. But, I'm thankful."

Bette smiled at him, she then lost her footing but before she could hit the ground Barry sped towards her and caught her in his arms. 

"N-no don't! If I touch you-"

"Nothing happened, Bette, it's okay," Barry murmured softly.

Their eyes met and Bette smiled again, Barry's lips curled upward in a bright smile as well. Bette then fainted in his arms. Barry tried to wake her but to no avail, he checked her pulse to find that it was still there. He sped her to STAR Labs hoping that he could fix whatever was wrong with her. 


Bette opened her eyes slowly, she groaned, burying her head into one of the pillows on her bed. Where the hell was she? Well, she was in a bed, that much was obvious. A long-haired guy dressed in a Pac-Man shirt and jeans stood at the foot of the bed smiling at her. 

"Look who's awake!" He said excitedly. 

He walked to the side and Bette tried to sit up.

"No, no wait, Bette," The guy said pushing her down by the shoulders trying to get her to lay down again. 

She got scared, she threw him off of her as she sat up. Something was wrong, she felt different. Why wasn't the bed about to explode? She was very very volatile when she was panicking, and she was panicking right now. Her breathing became erratic when walls were closing in for her. Her head pounded like a drum. 

"I feel... I feel-" She was going to throw up.

Her vision swam. Her hands gripped her head as memories rushed into her head. Eling shot her, and she felt warm, surprisingly warm, and then darkness. 

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