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Asokoro, Abuja, Nigeria.
Tuesday 20th February, 2018.

Eesh walked inside the room and looked at Abulkhair. He was the same guy that rudely bumped into her the other day, and then stupidly started telling her his sad excuse of a life, she figured. She narrowed her eyes at him and he just gave her a passive look, probably to annoy her or something. She looked at her father and saw his shocked face before looking back at Abulkhair. She knew what they were talking about but she knew there was no bleeping way it could her marriage they were talking about. Someone that doesn't even have it in her to entertain guys, how will she get married? And of all the stupid men on earth her father had to choose him! Ridiculous!

"That was what the girl you both were talking about would have said. Thank goodness I'm not that girl!" Eesh cleaned imaginary sweat from her forehead while rolling her eyes. Trust Eesh to be over dramatic.

"Aisha, come take a seat." Eesh looked skeptically at her father before trudging over to where he was and sitting beside him.

"Do you remember Alhaji Al'amin? The one that had a son you used to fight with every day?" Alhaji Muhammad said. He knew he was threading on thin ice. When Abulkhair's parents passed away, he never met Eesh as he was sent abroad to continue his studies. And Eesh wasn't told his parents passed away, she just stopped seeing them in their house so they never encountered each other. And Eesh never asked, she wasn't one to ask about people.  He was older then Eesh so as he was in A-level, his first year in the university, Eesh was in grade nine.

"Yeah, I remember him. It's been long." That was her way of asking where and how he was.

"He's dead. This is that son of his." Eesh's eyes widened on their own accord. She looked at Alhaji Muhammad, then Abulkhair, then Alhaji Muhammad then Abulkhair again. She was gaping like a fish. Numerous questions roaming through her head.

"He's... Dead?" Eesh gulped, eyes wide as saucers. She had never been one to show emotions but she was taken off guard with this. Remembering Abulkhair was still in the parlor, she schooled her expression.

"And this is his son, didn't you hear that part?" Eesh ignored her father. She'd never want to believe that the boy who had attempted to take away her parent's love from her.

Eesh narrowed her eyes at Abulkhair.

"You! You made..."

"Aisha, you're getting married to him In Shaa Allah." Eesh looked at her father as though he had grown two heads.

"I sure as hell will not marry this man here, he was the reason you shouted at me the first time ever!" Abulkhair rolled his eyes. She hadn't forgotten about that little thing. But it was her fault anyway.

"Aisha! Mind your language around me." Eesh turned to Abulkhair.

"You better tell him right now that we're not going to stay in the same vicinity talk more of getting married to each other." Alhaji Muhammad looked at Abulkhair and nodded at him. The latter stood up and bid them farewell then left.

"Did he just walk out on me?" Eesh glared at the closed door in front of her.

"Aisha, follow me to my room, I have to show you something." Alhaji Muhammad stood up and walked up the stairs to his room.

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