446 111 29

Ankara, Turkey.
Monday, 11th May, 2018.

"Hoşgeldiniz, merhaba {welcome. Welcome}" Abulkhair smiled while Eesh looked on wierdly. They both didn't know what the lady had said, it sounded like a form of greeting to them though.

"Sorry Ma'am. We don't understand Turkish, just English or Arabic." the lady chuckled nervously.

"My bad. I'm Zehra. And you?" the lady asked Eesh.


"Aisha." Eesh and Abulkhair said simultaneously.

"Naga alama wani abu na damunka {I can see that something is wrong with you}." Eesh said with narrowed eyes then turned to the lady with a smile.

"It's Eesh." she smiled for emphasis.

"What do i call your husband Eesh hanim?" Eesh frowned before she smiled almost immediately.

"Knucklehead." Eesh smiled.

"It's Abulkhair. Pardon her." Abulkhair smiled.

"Okay, Eesh hanim, Abulkhair mey, Kaba won't be able to make it today so he sent me. I'm sure he told you."Abulkhair nodded and she continued.

"Now since it's almost time for Zuhr prayer, let's go to the mosque. I have two choices which I believe we can tour before it's time to pray. There's Haci Bayram Veli mosque, and Kocatepe mosque, which will it be?"

"Haci whatever!"

"The second." Eesh and Abulkhair said simultaneously again. The lady chuckled, finding their relationship cute.

"We are going to the Haci and there's nothing you're going to do about it." Eesh said with narrowed eyes making Abulkhair roll his eyes - something he unknowingly learned from Eesh during the trip.

"Let's see how it goes." Abulkhair smiled and Eesh looked around.

She found a bench and sat down then pulled out her phone from a crepe bag.

"What are you doing?" Abulkhair asked. She ignored him continued tapping the Samsung screen angrily.

"I hope you're aware that Samsung screens are highly sensitive." Eesh's finger stopped mid-way but she tapped the screen anyways, although, softly this time around.

"Can we go bey?" Zehra asked.

"Yes. Aisha, let's go." Eesh ignored him making him sigh.

"Aishatu. Get up let's go." Abulkhair said sternly. Eesh ignored him once again.

"Aishatu!" Eesh still ignored him.

"Fadis {Stupid}! Put me down." Eesh hit Abulkhair's back but he ignored her. She was ignoring him too few minutes ago.

"Hal anta majnun {Are you mad}? I know you're not so bleeping put me down." Eesh screamed again. She still got nothing but silence.

"Help! Help! He's kidnapping me! Help me!" Eesh screamed, the few people around were starting to come closer when Zehra spoke up.

CLASSICAL MUSLIMAH Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang