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Gwarimpa, Abuja, Nigeria.
Monday 19th February, 2018.

"Yes Alhamdulillah {all due glory is to Allah} we've finished everything and I'm legally a billionaire." Abul grinned.

"Mashaa Allah, may Allah bless it with his Barakah." Nana Asma'u said looking for a way to bring up a particular topic that needs to be done with.

"And right now I'm getting ready, I'm going to meet Abba so that he can come meet kawu Ayyuba for all the formal arrangements. I can't wait to make you my wife." Abul fixed his cufflinks and adjusted his plane fawn blue cap to go with the fawn blue Getzner which had white embroidery around the neck area and the hands.

"Ya Allah Abul you're so shameless. See how you're saying it sai kace abun arziki {as if it's something good}. May Allah help your pitiable situation."

"Toh bah abun arzikin bane {isn't it something good}?" Abulkhair grinned cheekily.

"Ugh!" Asma'u groaned making Abulkhair laugh. Just then, his second phone rang. It read Abba.

"Nana Asma'ul Husna, Abba is calling. End the call so that I can pick his." Nana Asma'u ended the call and Abulkhair picked the call with furrowed brows. Alhaji Muhammad had never called him, like ever.

"Assalamu Alaikum Abba ina kwana {Peace be unto you good morning Abba}." Abulkhair greeted grabbing his keys before walking out of the house to the garage which was at the underground, perks of having your house designed by a foreigner.

"Ameen Wa Alaikas-Salam lafiya qalau Alhamdulillah {peace be unto you too all fine praise be to almighty Allah}. Are you busy today?" Abulkhair's brows furrowed even more, but he answered with a no nonetheless.

"Okay, I need you to come right now. I need to have a very important talk with you." They exchanged pleasantries again and tge call was ended.

Confused, Abulkhair drove to Asokoro thinking of different things. With a made up mind that after Alhaji Muhammad had told him what he wanted to, he'd talk to him about Nana Asma'u and start getting all the formalities done.

After exchanging pleasantries with Alhaji Muhammad in his part of the mansion, Alhaji Muhammad got straight to the point. He had made a decision and all he needed was Abulkhair agreeing then he'd start making preparations, his daughter can't remain a jobless spinster for life, over his dead body!

"I'm sure you're perplexed as to why I called you. I need you to listen to me with a clear mind. You know I love you like your father would and I would never do anything to hurt you or jeopardize your life. All I do is for your own good, you know that right?" Abulkhair nodded as he gulped.

"You should listen attentively to what I'm going to say, swallow it, digest it and think it through. I'll give you a whole week to think about it. Always remember, that no matter your decision, I'll support you. I just want you to be happy." Abulkhair nodded, that doesn't sound good, it was as if he was going to be told the most devastating news of his life.

"I need you to marry my daughter, Aisha." Alhaji Muhammad said making Abulkhair snap his head up before lowering it almost immediately. What about his Nana Asma'ul Husna? That was downright betrayal to her! Talking about his marriage to someone else when he just talked about his marriage to her that morning sounded like cheating on her to him. He thoughts were cut off by Alhaji Muhammad.

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